
[解剖] 阿特拉斯人体解剖学Atlas of Human Anatomy

发表于 2013-8-14 13:06:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter, M.D.

•Publisher:    Anatomical Chart Company
•Number Of Pages:  
•Publication Date:  
•Sales Rank:  
•ISBN / ASIN:    B00082FCN0
•Binding:    Health and Beauty
•Manufacturer:    Anatomical Chart Company
•Studio:    Anatomical Chart Company

丛书名:Netter Basic Science
作者:Frank H. Netter


'beautifully demonstrate the intricacies of the systems within the body, and make learning much easier...I would not hesitate to recommend this text book to any other student...an invaluable tool to aid dissection' - ("Medical Student Review"). The most widely-used anatomy atlas in the world! Dr. Netter's outstanding artwork demystifies this often intimidating subject, helping students to understand anatomy and how it applies to medicine. Now with a stronger clinical focus than ever before, it captures anatomy the way it is most frequently seen in practice with many more diagnostic imaging examples.


Section 1 Head and Neck Topographic Anatomy 1 Superficial Head and Neck 2 - 3 Bones and Ligaments 4 - 23 Superficial Face 24 - 25 Neck 26 - 34 Nasal Region 35 - 50 Oral Region 51 - 62 Pharynx 63 - 73 Thyroid Gland and Larynx 74 - 80 Orbit and Contents 81 - 91 Ear 92 - 98 Meninges and Brain 99 - 114 Cranial and Cervical Nerves 115 - 134 Cerebral Vasculature 135 - 146 Regional Scans 147 - 148 Section 2 Back and Spinal Cord Topographic Anatomy 149 Bones and Ligaments 150 - 156 Spinal Cord 157 - 167 Muscles and Nerves 168 - 172 Cross-Sectional Anatomy 173 - 174 Section 3 Thorax Topographic Anatomy 175 Mammary Gland 176 - 178 Body Wall 179 - 189 Lungs 190 - 204 Heart 205 - 223 Mediastinum 224 - 234 Regional Scans 235 Cross-Sectional Anatomy 236 - 239 Section 4 Abdomen Topographic Anatomy 240 Body Wall 241 - 260 Peritoneal Cavity 261 - 266 Viscera (Gut) 267 - 276 Viscera (Accessory Organs) 277 - 282 Visceral Vasculature 283 - 296 Innervation 297 - 307 Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands 308 - 322 Cross-Sectional Anatomy 323 - 330 ? Section 5 Pelvis and Perineum Topographic Anatomy 331 Bones and Ligaments 332 - 336 Pelvic Floor and Contents 337 - 347 Urinary Bladder 348 - 351 Uterus, Vagina, and Supporting Structures 352 - 355 Perineum and External Genitalia: Female 356 - 359 Perineum and External Genitalia: Male 360 - 367 Homologues of Genitalia 368 - 369 Testis, Epididymis, and Ductus Deferens 370 Rectum 371 - 376 Regional Scans 377 Vasculature 378 - 388 Innervation 389 - 397 Cross-Sectional Anatomy 398 - 399 ? Section 6 Upper Limb Topographic Anatomy 400 Cutaneous Anatomy 401 - 405 Shoulder and Axilla 406 - 418 Arm 419 - 423 Elbow and Forearm 424 - 439 Wrist and Hand 440 - 459 Neurovasculature 460 - 467 Regional Scans 468 Section 7 Lower Limb Topographic Anatomy 469 Cutaneous Anatomy 470 - 473 Hip and Thigh 474 - 493 Knee 494 - 500 Leg 501 - 510 Ankle and Foot 511 - 525 Neurovasculature 526 - 530 Regional Scans 531 Section 8 Cross=Sectional Anatomy Key Figure for Cross Sections 532


"I purchased this copy for use during my deployment to Afghanistan. It is minimally changed from the Hardback copy I bought at the beginning of med school back in 1990, with just a handful of new images/supplements which enhance the book, but one can never complain about the quality of images Frank Netter left us.

When people stop by the department to borrow it(which is frequent), the common adjective, "wonderful" is most frequently espoused. Quite simply the best anatomy book I know of, and as a radiologist, I familiar with many text that don't begin to compare, and at its current price, a bargin which shouldn't be passed by, as it has a place in every physician's library." By Jeffrey J. Hawker



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3Q 4 ur sharing:lol
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看看 阿特拉斯人体解剖学Atlas of Human Anatomy
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