
[妇产] 宫外孕腹腔镜手术

发表于 2013-9-6 20:00:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Ectopic Pregnancy- Laparoscopic Surgery- ARC Research Centre Chennai TamilNadu

ARC Research Centre headed by Dr.Lakshmanan Saravanan (Andrologist & Embryologist) and Dr.Mahalakshmi Saravanan (Reproductive Consultant) is an IVF Super speciality unit. The IVF centre is attached to a 60 bedded Multi speciality hospital (Abhijay Hospital, located in Perambur, Chennai, India). ARC Research Centre caters to all economic groups at an affordable cost with success rates on par with with international standards. The Centre caters to Overseas Childless couples. The overseas clients are made comfortable with a cozy residential apartments, language translators, in house cabs and driver cum guides. The Centre runs a dedicated surrogacy and donor programmes in association with an agency adhering to National ART and ICMR guidelines. The Centre along with their Infertility consultants are associated with Genetics screening, Psychologist counselling, Dietitian follow up for weight reduction, Diabetologist and Physician expertise to handle immune and hormonal imbalances, Hystero laproscopist to tackle uterine, tubal, ovarian and male genital tract abnormalities. PGD (Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis) is done here for deserving clients.Husband Leucocyte transfer (HLT) and Endometrial receptivity screening for recurrent implantation failures (IVF failures) are done here. The dedication, personal care and comprehensive follow up enhances the success rates in this centre. From conception to delivery of a live healthy baby the couples are made comfortable in all stages of treatment and centre is striving hard for continual improvement and a pleasant environment. The treating consultants always feel pregnancy is an memorable event in their life time, hence they give their personal focus, care and attention. The theme of the centre is " Ur Parenthood is our concern".


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售价: 99 香叶  [记录]  [购买]

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