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Lap Cholecistectomy - LARGE CYSTIC + Endoloops
发布时间:2013-06-12 Video shows an elective cholecystectomy of 45 years old woman, without important sintomatology, had an abdominal ultrasound with gallstones and increase of the thickness of the gallbladder wall.
During the surgery, it was identificated a chronic cholecistitis white gallbladder and after remove some adhesions, the direct dissection of the infundibulum, on the standard way was not possible because the intense fibrosis and no possibility of identification of the main biliar tract.
The author opted to start the dissection the gallbladder from the liver starting from the fundus, until found the cystic artery, after that, the cystic duct was identificated (showed to be a VERY large duct), connecte to the common hepatic tract and common bile duct.
Due to the size of the duct, it was opted to ligate the cystic duct with prolene 2.0 endoloops.
This approach preserved the main biliar tract and is an option before the conversion to the open surgery.
In the end of the video, it's show the primary examination of the gallbladder specimen, after open it, a lot of gallstones were demonstrated.