
[心胸] 食管裂孔疝 - Hiatoplasty + Nissen胃底折叠术(高清)

发表于 2013-5-12 09:23:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Hiatal Hernia - Hiatoplasty + Nissen Fundoplication (HD)

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The present video demonstrates a Step-by-Step Hiatoplasty (medium size hernia) + Nissen Fundoplication.
The pacient was a woman, suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for at least 5 years. The position used by the crew was the french one (surgeon on the right side, camera between the legs and assistant on the left side of the patient). The dissection was performed with Harmonic Ace ultracision device. The hiatoplasty was performed with single knots of ethibond 0 and 2.0, the nissen fundoplication was done with ethibond 2.0. Total operation time (video) was 1 hour and 20 minutes. No significant blood loss was observed. Patient started oral liquid intake next day, and was discharged 2 days after the procedure. The previous simptons that lead the patient to the surgery disapeared.

Vídeo demonstra realização de hiatoplastia + fundoplicatura tipo Nissen para tratamento da doença do refluo gastroesofágico causada por uma hérnia de hiato de médio volume. Posicionamento da equipe cirúrgica: Cirurgião do lado direito da paciente, câmera entre as pernas, auxiliar lado esquerdo da paciente. A dissecção das estruturas é feita com Ultracision, A hiatoplastia é realizada com fio tipo ethibond 0 e 2.0 com pontos separados, já na fundoplicatura se utilizou ethibond 2.0. O tempo total de cirurgia (tempo de vídeo) foi de 1 hora e 20 minutos. Durante o procedimento o sangramento foi despresível. Paciente começou dieta líquida no dia seguinte à cirurgia e recebeu alta hospitalar 2 dias após o procedimento, relatando melhora completa dos sintomas prévios.

The present video demonstrates a Step-by-Step Hiatoplasty (medium size hernia) + Nissen Fundoplication.
The pacient was a woman, suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for at least 5 years. The position used by the crew was the french one (surgeon on the right side, camera between the legs and assistant on the left side of the patient). The dissection was performed with Harmonic Ace ultracision device. The hiatoplasty was performed with single knots of ethibond 0 and 2.0, the nissen fundoplication was done with ethibond 2.0. Total operation time (video) was 1 hour and 20 minutes. No significant blood loss was observed. Patient started oral liquid intake next day, and was discharged 2 days after the procedure. The previous simptons that lead the patient to the surgery disapeared.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-12 09:24:04 | 显示全部楼层
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