

发表于 2013-4-3 11:26:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The Asan Medical Awards, the most prestigious honor in the Korean medical community, were presented for the sixth time at an awards ceremony held March 21st at the Grand Hyatt Seoul.
This year, the award was expanded for the first time to cover two main categories, basic medicine and clinical practice. The honorarium was also increased from 200 million to 300 million won.
In a new honor recognizing outstanding medical scientists under the age of forty, the Young Scientist Award was also added. It will be presented annually to two honorees, one from each category.
In the basic medicine category, the honoree was Dr. Jongkyeong Chung of Seoul National University's School of Biological Sciences. The award recognized his research on cellular signal transduction, which has enhanced understanding of Parkinson's disease and related illnesses. In the category of clinical practice, Dr. Jun Soo Kwon of the Seoul National University College of Medicine was selected for his contributions to the early detection and prevention of schizophrenic breaks, through development of biological markers in high-risk cohorts for mental illness.
The two honorees selected for the new Young Scientist Awards this year were Dr. Jeong Ho Lee of the KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering and Dr. Sung-Han Kim of the University of Ulsan College of Medicine. Each young scientist awardee received an honorarium of 50 million won.
Chung Mong-joon, chairman of the Asan Foundation / Asan Foundation
For the dazzling achievements you've made through the spirit of challenge, grounded in perseverance and passion, we would like to offer our heartfelt admiration. We at the Asan Foundation are very pleased to present these awards today to honor the splendid achievements of worthy individuals like you. I would like to express my thanks to all the people who have helped over the years to develop the Asan Medical Award into the fine award it is today.
The Asan Medical Award was established in 2008 to promote human health by encouraging Korean medical researchers whose achievements in medical science and clinical practice were especially outstanding.
[AMC International News, April 2013]



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