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自酿啤酒综合征是一种罕见的医学疾病,其中消化系统中的内源性发酵产生了令人陶醉的乙醇。[1] [2] 酿酒酵母是一种最著名的酵母,其用于生产面包和酒精饮料的一种酵母已被鉴定为这种病的病原体。 最近的研究还表明,克雷伯菌可将肠道中的碳水化合物发酵成酒精,从而加速非酒精性脂肪肝疾病的发生。[3]
这种内源性发酵的说法已被用作防御酒后驾车的指控。[5] [6]但是由于一些法官拒绝这种辩护并已判处监禁,[7]医生告诫“这些患者在驾驶汽车时必须非常小心”,因为在这些司法管辖区,这些患者将因法律规定的血液过量而被捕。酒精含量限制(在州和地方管辖范围内差异很大),即使在逮捕时并未实际损害患者。[8]
1 症状
2 诊断
3 治疗
4 参考
这种疾病可以对日常生活产生深远的影响。 过度的气,头晕,口干,宿醉,迷失方向,肠易激综合症和慢性疲劳综合症会再次产生副作用,还会导致其他健康问题,例如抑郁,焦虑和就业效率低下。 中毒的随机状态可能会导致个人困难,而且病情的相对模糊也可能导致难以寻求治疗。[12] [13] [医疗来源不可靠?]
可以通过测试血液或呼吸来检测酒精。 为了解决自然发生的波动,可能必须在一天中的多次重复此操作。
可以单独使用或组合使用不同的治疗方法。 饮食中的碳水化合物控制,抗真菌或抗生素治疗,一般的抗生素避免和益生菌都显示出积极的治疗效果。[14]
Doucleff, Michaeleen (September 17, 2013). "Auto-Brewery Syndrome: Apparently, You Can Make Beer In Your Gut". The Salt. NPR.
Kaji, H.; Asanuma, Y.; Yahara, O.; Shibue, H.; Hisamura, M.; Saito, N.; Kawakami, Y.; Murao, M. (1984). "Intragastrointestinal Alcohol Fermentation Syndrome: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature". Journal of the Forensic Science Society. 24 (5): 461–71. doi:10.1016/S0015-7368(84)72325-5. PMID 6520589.
Yuan, J.; et al. (2019-09-19). "Fatty Liver Disease Caused by High-Alcohol-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae". Cell Metabolism. 30 (4): 675–688.e7. doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2019.08.018. PMID 31543403.
Painter, Kelly; Cordell, Barbara; Sticco, Kristin L. (2019). "Auto-brewery Syndrome (Gut Fermentation)". StatPearls. PMID 30020718.
Logan, BK; Jones, AW (July 2000). "Endogenous ethanol 'auto-brewery syndrome' as a drunk-driving defence challenge". Medicine, Science and the Law. 40 (3): 206–15. doi:10.1177/002580240004000304. PMID 10976182.
"New York drink driver says her body is a brewery". BBC News. 2015-12-31. Retrieved 3 January 2016.
Castrodale, Jelisa (April 26, 2019). "Man Imprisoned for Drunk Driving Says His Body Actually Turns Food into Alcohol: Surprisingly, there's legitimate science to back it up". Vice Magazine.
"Auto-brewery syndrome occurs when a disturbance to the gut microbiome 结果 in the fermentation of sugars". Quirks & Quarks. October 25, 2019. CBC Radio One.
"Auto-brewery syndrome: Teetotal Teesville man can't stay sober as everything he eats turns to alcohol". Teesside Gazette. October 7, 2013. Retrieved April 22, 2014.
Geertinger, P.; Bodenhoff, J.; Helweg-Larsen, K.; Lund, A. (1982-09-01). "Endogenous alcohol production by intestinal fermentation in sudden infant death". Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin. 89 (3): 167–172. doi:10.1007/BF01873798. PMID 6760604.
Thomson, Helen (March 5, 2015). "The Man Who Gets Drunk on Chips". BBC News.
Chester, Nick (February 11, 2014). "The Man Who Is Drunk All the Time Because His Body Produces Its Own Alcohol". VICE. Retrieved 19 November 2014.
Boyter, Scott (April 10, 2017). "Auto Brewery Syndrome – What It Is, and How to Deal With It". GundryMD.com. Retrieved 13 April 2017.
Painter, Kelly; Cordell, Barbara; Sticco, Kristin L. (October 9, 2019). "Auto-brewery Syndrome (Gut Fermentation)". NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved 5 November 2019. |