
[小儿] 机器人辅助输尿管重新植入 - 波士顿儿童医院

发表于 2013-3-7 14:12:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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机器人辅助输尿管重新植入 - 波士顿儿童医院
Robotically-Assisted Ureteral Re-implantation - Boston Children's Hospital

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在波士顿儿童医院的专家进行膀胱内的输尿管膀胱再植术,使用机器人辅助外科手术纠正膀胱输尿管返流(VUR)的病人之一。泌尿科医师将展示和讨论额外的程序,可以被进行了使用的微创手术,机器人辅助外科手术技术,如肾盂成形术,大陆尿改道和膀胱扩大术,机器人外科波士顿儿童中心提供了无与伦比的专业知识在儿童机器人手术。经过专门培训的医生使用一个国家的最先进的达芬奇®手术系统制造直觉外科公司(纳斯达克股票代码:ISRG)执行复杂和微妙的微创手术,痛苦少,恢复快,住院时间短停留结果和较小的疤痕。2001年,儿童的第一儿童医院获得手术机器人。今天,波士顿儿童医院是一个的唯一的儿科医院,以进行临床评估和结果分析,以确保手术机器人的使用总是对病人有利。坐一个外科医生在控制台在手术室,同时抓在每只手的控制,能够学习脆,实时3-D视频图像的作业现场。精确地被翻译病人的身体内的微小的外科手术器械的外科医生的手腕,手和手指的每个细微的运动。“这是我的手在患者,但我的工作,通过一个微小的手术开口,说:”阮协T.,MD,机器人手术的机器人外科主任,研究和培训合作中心主任程序。艾伦乙Retik,医师在访谈中,流式细胞仪,外科医生,中,行政,在波士顿儿童的高级胎儿保健中心和哈佛医学院的外科教授泌尿科医生,中,行政及执行董事,将导致网上直播评论员约瑟夫化螟,MD,主任,机器人手术,中心主任为外翻和总监Neurourology的中心,而博士,阮将执行操作。通常情况下,尿液从肾脏输尿管膀胱通过。膀胱输尿管反流(VUR)发生时,住在膀胱的尿液回流到输尿管和经常进入肾脏。可能会出现在出生前的产前肾积水的输尿管)(异常扩大或尿路感染的患儿VUR。有些人可能会被诊断,因为一个家庭的历史,尽管他们可能没有任何症状。其他有的VUR二次如后尿道瓣膜,输尿管囊肿和神经性膀胱尿路异常。在起步阶段,是较常见的原发性膀胱输尿管返流之间的男孩,因为在他们的尿路有更多的压力,在婴幼儿期,异常多见于女孩。关注的是,它可能会导致损坏或疤痕时,回流与尿路感染的肾脏与膀胱输尿管返流。为VUR的治疗是根据孩子的年龄,整体健康状况,病史,条件的程度,孩子的公差为特定的药物,程序,或治疗方法,和预期的条件中。关于直观的手术,公司Intuitive Surgical公司,公司是全球技术领先的机器人辅助微创外科手术(MIS)。本公司的达芬奇外科手术系统提供出色的可视化,增强灵巧,更精确和符合人体工程学的舒适的最佳性能MIS外科医生。达芬奇系统能够执行复杂的程序,如通过1-2厘米的切口心脏直视手术的外科医生。
Specialists at Boston Children's Hospital perform intravesical ureteral reimplantation using robotic-assisted surgery to correct vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in one of its patients. Urologists will also showcase and discuss additional procedures that can be carried out using the minimally invasive, robotic-assisted surgical techniques such as pyeloplasty, continent urinary diversion and bladder augmentation.

The Center for Robotic Surgery at Boston Children's provides unrivaled expertise in pediatric robotic surgery. Specially-trained surgeons use a state-of-the-art da Vinci ® Surgical System manufactured by Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (NASDAQ: ISRG) to perform complex and delicate minimally invasive surgery that results in less pain, faster recovery, shorter hospital stays and smaller scars. In 2001, Children's was the first pediatric hospital to acquire a surgical robot.

Today, Boston Children's Hospital is one of the only pediatric hospitals to perform clinical assessments and outcome analysis to ensure the use of the surgical robot is always advantageous to the patient.

Sitting at a console in the operating room, a surgeon is able to study crisp, real-time 3-D video images of the operating site while grasping controls in each hand. Each subtle movement of the surgeon's wrists, hands, and fingers is translated precisely to the tiny surgical instruments inside the patient's body. "It's as though my hands are actually inside the patient, yet I'm working through a tiny surgical opening," says Hiep T. Nguyen, MD, co-director of the Center for Robotic Surgery and director of the Robotic Surgery Research and Training Program.

Alan B Retik, MD, FAAP, FACS, Surgeon-in-Chief, Urologist-in-Chief and Executive Director of the Advanced Fetal Care Center at Boston Children's, and Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, will lead the LIVE Webcast with commentator Joseph Borer, MD, co-director of the Center for Robotic Surgery, director of the Center for Exstrophy and director of Neurourology, while Dr. Nguyen will perform the operation.

Normally, urine travels from the kidneys to the bladder via the ureters. Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) occurs when urine that dwells in the bladder flows back into the ureters and often back into the kidneys. Children with VUR may present before birth as prenatal hydronephrosis (an abnormal widening of the ureter) or with a urinary tract infection. Some may be diagnosed because of a family history, even though they may be without symptoms. Others have VUR secondary to others abnormalities of the urinary tract such as posterior urethral valves, ureterocele and neurogenic bladder. During infancy, primary VUR is more common among boys because there is more pressure in their urinary tract; in early childhood, the abnormality is more common in girls. The concern with vesicoureteral reflux is that it can lead to damage or scarring of the kidneys when the reflux is associated with urinary tract infections. Treatment for VUR is based on the child's age, overall health, and medical history, the extent of the condition, the child's tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies, and expectations for the course of the condition.

About Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Intuitive Surgical, Inc. is the global technology leader in robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery (MIS). The Company's da Vinci® Surgical System offers surgeons superior visualization, enhanced dexterity, greater precision and ergonomic comfort for the optimal performance of MIS. The da Vinci System enables surgeons to perform even complex procedures such as open-heart surgery through 1-2 cm incisions.

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