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[杂志期刊] A new Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) based on a European/North A...

发表于 2013-2-26 17:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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A new Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) based on a European/North American multicenter study.

Faculty of Medicine Lariboisière-Saint-Louis, Paris, France.

To develop and validate a new Simplified Acute Physiology Score, the SAPS II, from a large sample of surgical and medical patients, and to provide a method to convert the score to a probability of hospital mortality. The SAPS II and the probability of hospital mortality were developed and validated using data from consecutive admissions to 137 adult medical and/or surgical intensive care units in 12 countries. The 13,152 patients were randomly divided into developmental (65%) and validation (35%) samples. Patients younger than 18 years, burn patients, coronary care patients, and cardiac surgery patients were excluded. Vital status at hospital discharge. The SAPS II includes only 17 variables: 12 physiology variables, age, type of admission (scheduled surgical, unscheduled surgical, or medical), and three underlying disease variables (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, metastatic cancer, and hematologic malignancy). Goodness-of-fit tests indicated that the model performed well in the developmental sample and validated well in an independent sample of patients (P = .883 and P = .104 in the developmental and validation samples, respectively). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.88 in the developmental sample and 0.86 in the validation sample. The SAPS II, based on a large international sample of patients, provides an estimate of the risk of death without having to specify a primary diagnosis. This is a starting point for future evaluation of the efficiency of intensive care units.


新的简化急性生理学评分(SAPS II)的基础上的欧洲/北美的多中心临床研究。


开发和验证新的简化急性生理学评分,SAPS II,从大样本的手术和病人,并提供一种方法来转换得分的住院死亡率的概率。SAPS II和医院死亡的可能性进行了开发和使用连续接诊137成人医疗和/或外科重症监护病房12个国家的数据验证。13,152例患者随机分为发育(65%)和验证(35%)样本。年龄小于18岁的患者,烧伤患者,冠心病治疗的患者,心脏手术的患者被排除在外。在出院的重要地位。SAPS II包括17个变量12个生理变量,年龄,入院类型(预定外科手术或医疗),不定期的和潜在的疾病变量(获得性免疫缺陷综合征,转移性癌,血液系统恶性肿瘤)。的拟合优度测试表明,该模型表现良好的发展样本和验证,以及在独立样本的患者(P = 0.883,P = 0.104的发展和验证的样品),分别。验证样品中的发展样本中的受试者工作特征曲线下面积为0.88和0.86。SAPS II,一个大型的国际样本的患者的基础上,提供了一个估计的死亡风险,而无需指定一个主诊断。这是一个起点,为今后的评估效率的重症监护病房。

A New Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) Based on a EuropeanNorth Ameri.pdf (1.1 MB, 下载次数: 0)

A New Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) Based on a EuropeanNorth American Multicenter Study.rar(1.05MB)
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