An endoscopic view of asymptomatic right concha bullosa is shown. The bone of the turbinate or concha appeared swollen and contains air. It affects mostly the middle turbinate and very rarely inferior turbinate. Its opening or ostium can be seen in some cases (inferiorly in this video - white arrow). It can becomes infected with potential mucocoele formation if the opening blocked and predispose to osteomeatal narrowing which may complicates into sinusitis. Radiological imaging such as CT-scan of paranasal sinuses verify presence or air within the turbinate (appeared black). (S - septum, sp - septal spur, IT - inferior turbinate, MT - middle turbinate, NP - nasopharynx, R - roof of nasopharynx, V - vomer, TT - torus tubarius, white arrow - concha bullosa ostium, X - air bubble, green arrow - nasopharyngeal opening of Eustachian tube, interrupted yellow line - Fossa of Rosenmuller) |