This video show video laryngoscopy of old man .
He presented with weakness of voice since last 15 days following URTI with laryngitis.
Phonasthenia : Weakness of voice
It is due to fatigue of phonatory muscles .
It is seen in abuse / misuse of voice or following laryngitis.
Patient complains of easy-fatiguability of voice.
Thyroarytenoid and interarytenoids or both may be affected.
Video laryngoscopy show 3 types of findings :
1) Elliptical gap between the cords in weakness of thyroarytenoid.
2) Triangular gap near the posterior commissure in weakness of interarytenoid.
3) Key-hole appearance of glottis when both thyroarytenoid and interarytenoids are involved .
Treatment :
Voice rest and vocal hygiene . Plenty of fluid & avoid smoking . |