
[普外] 什么是腹腔镜右半结肠切除术和如何做结肠切除术由Prabal Roy博士

发表于 2017-5-5 16:27:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-5 16:27:52 | 显示全部楼层


What is a laparoscopic right Hemicolectomy and How to Do Colectomy by Dr Prabal Roy

Colectomy is a surgical procedure in which surgeon remove right side colon (hemicolectomy). In this surgical video of right hemicolectomy, showing how to do right side of the colon with small intestine and other part of colon (main parts of colon which need to be remove are cecum ascending colon, hepatic flexture, transverse colon terminal ileum with fat and lymph-nodes) through laparoscopically. Today more than 60% of colon resections in India are performed via laparoscopic approach.

What is a laparoscopic right colectomy?
A hemicolectomy is an operation to remove part of the large bowel (colon/intestine) because either it is not working properly or it is diseased. Either side of your colon can be removed depending upon the location of the disease ie. a right or left hemicolectomy, you will be advised where your disease is located.
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