
[普外] 扩展横结肠横结肠系膜移植(D3)局部晚期癌症

发表于 2017-5-4 12:11:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-4 12:11:16 | 显示全部楼层


I could not even imagine such kind of local spread of transverse colon cancer. We operated the patient with the adenocarcinoma of Transverse Colon with invasion of stomach and urinary bladder walls and also infiltration in jejunum.

Extended Transverse Colon CME (D3) for Locally Advanced Cancer ( invasion in stomach, urinary bladder and jejunum)

I could not even imagine such kind of local spread of transverse colon cancer. We operated the patient with the adenocarcinoma of Transverse Colon with invasion of stomach and urinary bladder walls and also infiltration of the jejunum.

Surgeons do not always agree about the amount of surgery for transverse colon cancer. FAs I see the safest option is the extended right hemicolectomy.

In this film we demonstrated D3 lymph node dissection and tumor removal in a single unit (en bloc)with the affected tissues.

Nice 2 - hour radeical procedure despite of the tumor spread. I hope this is a rare clinical situation will be interesting for the audience.
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