
[医美] 阴唇整形手术

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-15 18:57:23 | 显示全部楼层


Labia Reduction (Labiaplasty)

What worries one woman will not necessarily concern another, but it is not uncommon for a woman to feel unhappy with the appearance of the inner lips of her vagina, labia minora or labia majora.

As with other problem areas, any feelings of discomfort can have adverse effects on self-confidence and personal relationships. In such instances, labia reduction (labiaplasty, labioplasty, labia trimming, labia reduction) treatment may help, especially if the vagina lips are asymmetrical or particularly long and uneven.

What labia reduction involves

Labia reduction and trimming is performed under a general anaesthetic or twilight sedation by Dr Barnouti's highly experienced plastic surgery team in one of Sydney Private hospitals that Dr Barnouti operates at. These Hospitals are Hunters Hill private hospitals, Strathfield Private Hospital, Broadway day surgery and Westmead private hospital, purpose-built hospitals

It is usually performed as a day only surgery, however some patients may require to stay overnight. Dr Barnouti will recommend the best for your labioplasty and vaginaplasty surgery, including taking 2 days off work.

Dr Barnouti offers a comprehensive and extensive post-operative care programme, which includes detailed post-operative instructions and follow-up appointments by Dr Barnouti at your local clinic in Broadway, Chatswood, Burwood in Sydney Australia to ensure a speedy recovery, all at no additional cost.

Making the right decision

The decision to have cosmetic plastic surgery of the labia and Vagina is a very personal one, and it is vital that you get good advice - tailored to your individual circumstances - so that you can make a well-informed decision about genital labia and vagina plastic surgery.

Our friendly and approachable patient care co-ordinators, along with the specialist Plastic Surgeon, Dr Barnouti will be able to answer all your questions and provide you with sound, sensible advice tailored to your individual needs.

They will assess your situation honestly, and be happy to discuss options and provide you with the information that will help you to make the right choices for you.
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