
[骨外] 2012 CRN - 臂丛神经损伤 - 介绍

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2012 CRN - Brachial Plexus Lesions - Presentation
Authors: Susan E. Mackinnon MD, Andrew Yee BS
Date: 7/10/2012

This presentation was given for the 2012 Comprehensive Review of Neurosurgery video lectures. Specifically, this presentation discusses the topic of treatment for brachial plexus injuries, which includes presentation of common injury patterns, management algorithms for nerve injuries, pre-operative and post-operative therapy, and nerve transfers for shoulder and elbow function. Reconstructive options for common brachial plexus injuries are also discussed.

Table of Contents
00:00:07 Brachial Plexus Anatomy
00:01:06 Classification of Nerve Injuries
00:04:28 Types of Ganglionic Nerve Injuries
00:06:07 Clinical Examination of Brachial Plexus
00:11:52 Root Injury Patterns
00:14:09 Cord Injury Patterns
00:16:09 Management of Nerve Injuries
00:16:16 Management of Open Nerve Injuries
00:17:20 Management of Brachial Plexus Closed Nerve Injuries
00:19:13 Management of Gun-shot Wounds
00:19:44 Management of Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
00:23:02 Pre-operative and Post-operative Therapy
00:24:51 Surgical Management for Nerve Injuries
00:25:32 Exposure of Brachial Plexus - Supraclavicular Approach
00:28:46 Exposure of Brachial Plexus - Infraclavicular Approach
00:32:50 Review of Nerve Transfers
00:37:43 Shoulder Nerve Transfers
00:39:48 Nerve Transfers for Suprascapular Nerve Function
00:51:37 Nerve Transfers for Axillary Nerve Function
00:59:45 Nerve Transfers for Spinal Accessory Nerve Function
01:02:41 Nerve Transfers for Long Thoracic Nerve Function
01:06:53 Elbow Nerve Transfers
01:07:47 Nerve Transfers for Musculocutaneous Nerve Function
01:15:38 Nerve Transfers for Triceps Brachii Nerve Function
01:17:22 Reconstructive Options for Root Injuries
01:22:07 Reconstructive Options for Cord Injuries
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