
胃内腹腔镜手术 - 胃切除不能通过内窥镜检查的选择

发表于 2016-11-16 09:19:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Intragastric Laparoscopic Surgery- An Option for Gastric Lesions not Resectable by Endoscopy

Gastric mucosal and submucosal lesions can be resected by endoscopy, laparoscopy or open surgery. Operative methods have varied depending on the location, endophytic growth and size of the lesion. Interest in minimally invasive surgery has increased and many surgeons are attempting laparoscopic approaches, especially in lesions of the stomach near the esophagogastric junction not amendable to endoscopic removal, because conventional surgery can produce stenosis and distort the postoperative anatomy, and increase morbimortality. We report our experience with laparoscopic intragastric surgery in 3 consecutive patients, with no complications. Laparoscopic intragastric surgery extends the surgeons' armamentarium to resect complex gastric lesions, while offering patients the benefits of minimal access surgery.
Copyright © 2015 AEC. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

Benign gastric lesion; Cirugía gástrica mínimamente invasiva; Cirugía laparoscópica intragástrica; Esophagogastric junction; Laparoscopic intragastric surgery; Lesión gástrica benigna; Minimally invasive gastric surgery; Unión esofagogástrica

胃内腹腔镜手术 - 胃切除不能通过内窥镜检查的选择

胃内腹腔镜手术 - 胃切除不能通过内窥镜检查的选择

Fig. 1 – (A and B) Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (patient 1): submucosal lesion in gastric fundus compatible with GIST; (C) OGD (patient 2): predominantly exophytic polyp in the infracardiac region; (D) OGD (patient 3): infracardiac lesion of probable mucosal origin.

胃内腹腔镜手术 - 胃切除不能通过内窥镜检查的选择

胃内腹腔镜手术 - 胃切除不能通过内窥镜检查的选择

Fig. 2 – Surgical intervention of patient 3: (A) placement of intragastric trocars; (B) image of the lesion; (C) identification of the OGJ; (D) resection with harmonic scalpel of the lesion; (E) full-thickness defect after exeresis; (F) defect closure.

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