
[五官口腔] 亚慢性镜片Ectopia lentis由于马凡综合征 - Cionni CTR手术 - 1080p高清

发表于 2017-4-26 15:00:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-26 15:00:02 | 显示全部楼层


Surgical video demonstrating treatment of a 14 year old male with a subluxed lens due to lens zonular defect caused by Marfan syndrome.

The patient had become contact lens intolerant.
The crystalline lens was subluxated temporally beyond the visual axis with vitreous prolapsing through a lens zonule defect

Pre-op uncorrected visual acuity = Counting Fingers
Pre-op corrected visual acuity = 6/6 (+15.25/-1.50x70)

A corneoscleral (Hoffman) pocket was dissected. An anterior capsulorrhexis was performed aided by the use of capsule retraction hooks to act as artifiical lens zonules to stabilise the capsular bag and the crystalline lens material was aspirated. A Cionni modified capsular tension ring (CTR) was implanted in the capsular bag and sutured to the sclera through the corneoscleral pocket. A 25G pars plana vitrectomy was performed and peripheral laser retinopexy applied to reduce the long term risk of retinal detachment. A single piece blue light blocking acrylic intraocular lens was injected into the capsular bag.

At 4 days post-op:
Uncorrected visual acuity = 6/7.5 (20/25)
Corrected visual acuity = 6/6 (20/20)
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