2. Anatomy
The mediastinum extends anteroposteriorly from the sternum to the spine and sagittally from the thoracic inlet to the diaphragm. Its boundaries include:
1. the sternum anteriorly;
2. the thoracic vertebra posteriorly;
3. the first thoracic rib, the first thoracic vertebra, and the manubrium superiorly;
4. the diaphragm inferiorly.
The anatomy is well defined in the mediastinum, but there is no consensus among thoracic surgeons concerning the actual division of the mediastinum into compartments. An arbitrary division of the mediastinum into compartments is used to identify the origin of abnormalities discovered during a diagnostic evaluation.
The mediastinum may be divided into 4 compartments: superior, middle, anterior, and posterior.
1. The superior mediastinum extends above a line drawn from the manubrium of the sternum through the lower edge of the fourth thoracic vertebral body.
2. The anterior mediastinum lies below the superior compartment, between the sternum and the pericardium.
3. The posterior mediastinum extends behind a coronal plane through the posterior aspect of the pericardium.
4. The middle compartment lies between the anterior and posterior divisions of the mediastinum.
The superior and middle mediastina contain a large number of structures that can be explored with the mediastinoscope. These structures are usually classified according to their relationship to the trachea, as the surgeon follows its pathway in order to explore the paratracheal areas. They include:
- anterior to the trachea, thyroid isthmus and blood vessels (superior vena cava, pulmonary artery, aortic arch, anterior communicating jugular vein, thyroid veins, and thyroidea ima artery and vein).
1. Thyroid isthmus
2. Superior vena cava
3. Pulmonary artery
4. Aortic arch
- to the right of the trachea, blood vessels (right carotid artery, right subclavian artery, azygos vein, pulmonary artery, and superior division of the right pulmonary artery), nerves (right recurrent laryngeal nerve, vagus nerve), and bronchi (right main bronchus and right upper lobe bronchus).
5. Right subclavian artery
6. Azygos vein
7. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
8. Right main bronchus
- to the left of the trachea, blood vessels (thoracic duct, aortic arch, bronchial artery, pulmonary arteries), left recurrent laryngeal nerve, esophagus, and left main bronchus.
9. Thoracic duct
10. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
11. Left main bronchus
- inferior to the trachea, carinal lymph nodes, esophagus, and tracheal bifurcation.
12. Carinal lymph nodes
13. Esophagus
14. Tracheal bifurcation |