
[资源] 腹腔镜手术治疗卵巢良性肿瘤(图文演示)

发表于 2016-7-18 09:27:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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O Garbin, I Nisand
The description of the laparoscopic management of benign-appearing ovarian tumors covers all aspects of the surgical procedure used for the management of benign-appearing ovarian tumors.
Operating room set up, position of patient and equipment, instruments used are thoroughly described. The technical key steps of the surgical procedure are presented in a step by step way: intraperitoneal cystectomy, adnexectomy, results/complications.
Consequently, this operating technique is well standardized for the management of this condition.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:58:47 | 显示全部楼层
1. Introduction

Ovarian tumors occur frequently. At the present time, other than in clinical research protocols, only benign ovarian tumors are managed laparoscopically (Mettler et al., 1997). Therefore, preoperative workup must be thorough and laparoscopic evaluation must be performed meticulously in order to avoid treating an unsuspected ovarian carcinoma.
In young women, treatment is generally conservative (cystectomy), as preservation of the patient’s fertility is essential. In older or post-menopausal women, treatment is usually radical (adnexectomy).
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:58:54 | 显示全部楼层
2. Anatomy
• Regional anatomy
• Attachments
1. Proper ovarian ligament
2. Ovary
3. Infundibulo-ovarian ligament
4. Suspensory ligament of ovary
5. Ovarian fimbria
6. Ampulla
The ovary is a paired organ situated on either side of the pelvis. It is almond-shaped and measures 4x2x1 cm.
Each ovary is suspended by its superior pole from the pelvic wall, by the suspensory ligament. It is also attached to the ampulla at this level, by the fimbria and infundibulo-ovarian ligament.
Its inferior pole is attached to the horn of the uterus by the proper ovarian ligament.

• Relationships
1. Broad ligament
2. Mesosalpinx
3. Mesovarium
4. Ovarian fossa
5. Ovary
6. Fimbria
7. Ureter
Its external surface lies against the internal surface of the pelvic wall at the level of the ovarian fossa.
The internal surface of the ovary is in contact with the ampulla and the infundibulum.
The inferior edge is free, while the superior edge is attached to the broad ligament by the mesovarium.

• Vascular supply
1. Uterine artery
2. Medial ovarian artery
3. Lateral ovarian artery
4. Lateral tubal artery
5. Ovarian artery
The blood supply to the ovary comes from 2 sources:
- the ovarian artery, which is a branch of the aorta and which divides into 2 branches at the superior pole of the ovary: the lateral ovarian artery, which supplies the ovary, and the lateral tubal artery, which supplies the uterine tube.
- the medial ovarian artery, which is the terminal branch of the uterine artery.
Generally, the vessels from the 2 sources anastomose. One source may predominate, and in rare cases may ensure full vascular supply to the ovary.

• Pathological anatomy

All parts of the ovary can give rise to a tumor. The majority of ovarian tumors are cystic tumors that develop from the serosa.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
3. Indications
Surgery is indicated for all organic ovarian tumors.
In young women of reproductive age, the procedure is generally conservative, ie cystectomy.
In older women, the procedure is usually radical: adnexectomy or, more rarely, oophorectomy.
In postmenopausal women, adnexectomy is often bilateral.

Contraindications may be related to:
- the nature of the cyst: cancer of the ovary, borderline tumors;
1. Ovarian carcinoma: atypical vascular supply
2. Ovarian carcinoma: intracystic vegetations
3. Ovarian carcinoma: extracystic vegetations
- the size of the cyst, especially for cystectomies. For tumors larger than 10 to 12 cm, it becomes difficult to perform a cystectomy laparoscopically, particularly in case of ovarian endometrioma.
- other conditions: morbid obesity, abdominal adhesions. In pregnant women, laparoscopy can be performed up to the 18th week of pregnancy.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:59:07 | 显示全部楼层
4. Preop management

Preoperative workup
This aims to rule out cancer of the ovary.
It includes (Salat-Baroux et al., 1996):
- physical examination;
- abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound;
- measurement of tumor markers, particularly CA 125 (serous tumors) and CA 19-9 (mucinous tumors).

Patient preparation
- preoperative fasting;
- bowel preparation with an enema, except in emergencies;
- shaving of suprapubic area;
- 5 mg of midazolam administered by intramuscular injection 1 hour before surgery.

The patient should be informed of:
- the modalities of laparoscopy;
- risks and complications;
- risk of conversion to laparotomy;
- modalities of the procedure: cystectomy or adnexectomy.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:59:13 | 显示全部楼层
5. Operating room set-up
• Patient
- general anesthesia;
- supine position;
- 30° Trendelenburg position;
- legs apart with access to the perineum, which should extend slightly over the edge of the table;
- left arm alongside the body;
- in-dwelling urinary catheter mandatory;
- nasogastric tube;
- uterine cannulation;
The operating field must be wide.
Vulvar, perineal, crural, and vaginal disinfection must be performed.
Drapes are used to separate the perineum from the abdomen.

• Team
1. The surgeon is on the left of the patient.
2. The first assistant is on the right of the patient.
3. The second assistant is seated between the patient’s legs.
4. The scrub nurse is on the surgeon’s left.

• Equipment
1. The first monitor is opposite the patient’s right foot. It is used by the surgeon and first assistant.
2. The second monitor is used by the second assistant and the scrub nurse. It is at the level of the patient’s right shoulder.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:59:19 | 显示全部楼层
6. Trocar placement
• Pneumoperitoneum
1. Palmer’s point
The Veress needle is introduced either in the umbilicus or at Palmer’s point (3 cm below the costal arch on the left mid-clavicular line). The peritoneal cavity is insufflated with CO2 to a pressure not exceeding 14 mm Hg.

• Optical trocar
A: A 12 mm optical trocar is placed at the level of the umbilicus.

• Operating trocars
B and C: Two 5 mm lateral operating trocars are placed at the level of the right and left iliac fossae, two fingerbreadths medial and cephalad to the anterior superior iliac spines.
D: A fourth, 10-12 mm trocar is often useful. It is placed in a midline position, 3 cm above the pubic symphysis. The operative specimens are extracted through this trocar, or through its parietal opening.

• Variation
In case of a voluminous cyst or pregnancy, the insufflation is done at Palmer’s point. Trocar A for the laparoscope is introduced halfway between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process.
Operating trocar D is placed at umbilical level.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:59:26 | 显示全部楼层
7. Instruments
• Optical
1. 0° laparoscope
2. 30° laparoscope
The procedure can be performed with a 0° or 30° laparoscope.

• Operating
1. Bipolar grasper
2. Grasping forceps
3. Babcock clamps
4. Scissors
5. 5 mm suction-irrigation device
6. Retrieval bag
7. Needle for peritoneal cytology

• Retractors
Uterine cannulation with:
1. Asymmetrical grasper
2. Blunt curette

• Optional
1. Endoloop
2. Ultrasonic dissectors
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:59:32 | 显示全部楼层
8. Major principles
1. Neoplastic miliary appearance of the cupolas
2. Invasion of the omentum
A thorough macroscopic evaluation of the ovarian tumor, the pelvis, and the greater peritoneal cavity is carried out to check for an undiagnosed ovarian cancer.
In case of doubt, a frozen section should be performed.

The following anatomical structures are examined to check for peritoneal carcinosis:
- abdominal cavity, omentum, diaphragmatic cupulae, and paracolic gutters;
- pelvic cavity, particularly the peritoneum of the ovarian fossae, rectouterine pouch, and vesicouterine pouch;
- surface of the ovary (vascular supply, search for extracystic vegetations).
Peritoneal cytology should be systematically performed during this operative step.

To avoid spreading the contents of the cyst, the ovarian tumor is preserved if possible. In case of rupture, a peritoneal lavage must be done, in addition to an evaluation inside the cyst itself to check for intracystic vegetations. The specimens should be extracted in retrieval bags.

If a cyst that appears to be functional is discovered, simple puncture is insufficient and a biopsy of the wall of the cyst must always be performed.

In case of adhesions, an initial adhesiolysis is performed.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-20 17:59:38 | 显示全部楼层
9. Intraperitoneal cystectomy
• Cystectomy
The ovary is grasped with forceps or a Babcock clamp at the level of its antimesosalpingeal border or of the proper ovarian ligament.
The longitudinal incision of the ovarian cortical zone is extended with scissors to the level of the antimesosalpingeal border.
The cortical zone is dissected and the tumor is enucleated with caution.
Hemostasis is rarely necessary. It should be performed, however, if endometriomas are found, and is sometimes needed near the suspensory ligament, the proper ovarian ligament, and the hilum. Bipolar cauterization is recommended in these cases, to limit the risk of devascularization.
Suturing of the ovary is of no use in most cases.

• Variations
• Variation 1
1. Cystoscopy
2. Divergent traction
In case of rupture of the cyst:
- wide opening of the cyst;
- irrigation-suction of peritoneum;
- cystoscopy;
- Two graspers are used to exert divergent traction. One grasps the cortical zone of the ovary, while the other is positioned opposite the first, on the outer surface of the cyst. The 2 grasping forceps should be as close to one another as possible. Opposing traction is exerted on each grasper. The graspers should be manipulated slowly and carefully, to avoid tearing the cortical zone. The thinner the cortical zone, the more cautiously this should be done. The grasping forceps are then moved and repositioned, again as close to one another as possible. When the dissection is well advanced, the ovary is grasped in the cortical zone, on its deep surface, at the level of the reflection line between the cyst and the ovary.

• Variation 2
1. Protruding dome
2. Endometrioma
3. Ovarian parenchyma
In case of ovarian endometrioma, 2 techniques can be used:
a) intraperitoneal cystectomy: resection of the protruding dome is often useful for finding a plane of cleavage between the wall of the cyst and the healthy ovary. The dissection is often difficult and hemorrhagic. Hemostasis is performed step by step and is more difficult to perform at the end of the procedure.
b) opening of the cyst, resection of the protruding dome, and laser vaporization or electrocauterization with a bipolar grasper of the outer surface of the endometrioma (Donnez et al., 1996).
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