
[医美] 女性在印度阴茎成形术男变性手术

发表于 2016-9-16 22:00:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-16 22:00:17 | 显示全部楼层


Female to Male Transgender Sex Change Surgery Phalloplasty in India. Phalloplasty or You can Say Penis Re-construction surgery is the most important step. At Olmec, the premier transgender surgery institute we aim to achieve female to male transition in short span of time. Phalloplasty is performed for many reasons. Some of the reasons are - to correct micro penis or epispadias or hypospadias, in males who have lost their penis due to trauma and the main reason for Phalloplasty is Female to Male sex change surgery during the process of female to male transition. Penis is main part of male body and in female to male Sex change surgery Penis Construction is main surgery which is a staged procedure. First stage is microsurgical procedure and takes about 3 to 4 hours. In this penis is reconstructed with free flap to get cosmetically excellent penis with sensations. This penis gains complete sensations (becomes erogenous) over next 4 to 6 months. After that a penile implant is inserted to cause erectile penis. The penis has full sensations and will result in normal sexual pleasure as well as orgasm too. Along with phalloplasty, scrotal reconstruction (scrotal implants, scrotoplasty) can be done. Thus within a year complete process of genital female to male transition or masculinization gets accomplished. The whole process of phalloplasty has been shown In phalloplasty videos. First Stage of Phalloplasty / Penis Construction, Penis is Created using free Flap which has been explained in Phalloplasty Videos and Second stage of Phalloplasty a Penile implant is inserted to make Penis Erectile and Stiff.

Main Objective of Phalloplasty are
1. To Obtains Natural Looking Male Genital.
2. Ability to have sexual intercourse.
3. Ability to Attains Orgasm through intercourse.

Phalloplasty is a safe and effective surgical procedure.
发表于 2023-1-14 11:57:30 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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