
[普外] 激光散斑\成像技术、切除、修补术

发表于 2016-8-5 18:00:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-5 18:00:13 | 显示全部楼层
Background: LSFG (Laparoscopic Sleeve-forming Gastrectomy) is today the most common bariatric procedure. Removing of the stomach includes the antrum starting at the pylorus, up to the EGJ with linear staplers has been done in more than 1.350 patients with a 12 mm boogie.
The stapler-line suture is done by with an absorbable inverting suture that includes the stomach posterior to the staplers-line, omentum and then stomach anterior to the staplers-line. This suture is done in two steps with two different sutures for each half of the staplers-line.
A self-locking sliding suture is performed by the scrub nurse before inserting the suture into the abdomen, run with the contra-suture needle holder and used at the top of the suture-line. Then when the tread finish with a Aberdeen-De Cushieri sliding knot at middle of the suture line.
Then, again, the second suture is used from the middle-half to the lower end, both with the sliding knot first and then finished with the Aberdeen-De Cushieri knot. The incidence of leaks is lower than 1%
The omentoplasty prevent torsion of the sleeve. There is no delay in gastric emptying due to the antrectomy. And the weight loss is higher than with other techniques.

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