
[机器人] 机器人疝修补

发表于 2016-6-30 09:00:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-30 09:00:11 | 显示全部楼层
Very difficult Robotic Bochdalek Hernia Repair with mesh in a 25 year old patient suffering from severe chronic pulmonary disease due to the presence of the transverse colon into the left hemithorax. The hernia was congenital and situated on the posterior part of the left diafragm on the left side of the spleen. The presence of multiple adhesions between the incarcerated colon and its omentum with the lung made the operation almost impossible to be performed with minimally invasive techniques. Nevertheless, the procedure was completed robotically without the need of a thoracotomy or laparotomy. A chest tube was needed the day after in order to expand the left lung compressed from the CO2 pneumothorax. The patient was discharged the third post operative day in an excellent condition.


Surgeon: Prof. K. M. Konstantinidis MD, PhD, FACS

Surgical Team: F. Antonakopoulos MD, FRS certified, S. Hiridis MD, Msc, FACS, P. Chrysoheris MD, FACS, P. Hiridis MD, PhD
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