This is a video of a Right upper lobe microlobectomy. In this video I show the complete division of the right upper lobe vein using only the Ethicon Enseal, a bipolar energy device.
Microlobectomy requires you to only use 5mm instruments in the intercostal spaces and thus if the micro cutter is not available to you then an energy device might be a good alternative to dividing all vessels from the subxiphoid port with a 12mm stapler.
I was certainly impressed with the ability of this device to seal such a large vessel by going distally to its 4 segmental branches.
The key elements of a microlobectomy are :
1. No incisions in the intercostal spaces larger than 5mm
2. A 12mm Subxiphoid port
3. Subxiphoid removal of the resected specimen
4. CO2 insufflation
5. Vision through a 5mm camera.
6. Stapling of vascular structures using the Cardica 5mm micro cutter