
[泌尿] 腹腔镜肾上腺切除术

发表于 2016-6-19 14:00:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-19 14:00:06 | 显示全部楼层
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy by Dr P P Singh


What exactly is Adrenalectomy?
Adrenalectomy may be the surgical removal of 1 or both (bilateral adrenalectomy) adrenal glands. Most commonly it is advised for people with tumors on the adrenal glands. The procedure can be executed using an open incision (laparotomy) as well as laparoscopic technique.

00:03 Right Laparoscopic Andrenalectomy.

00:04 26 years old female with history of headache transient loss of consciousness twice in past was investigated and found to be having severe hypertension. On further investigation her urinary catecholamines were very high. The CECT revealed right adrenal mass of 8x7 cm pushing kidney inferiorly. Patient’s BP was controlled with alfa and bete blockers and laparoscopic right adrenelactomy was performed.

00:23 Reflection of Colon.

01:23 A Plain was developed between liver & superior aspect of Adrenal.

01:45 I V C.

03:11 Showing multiple organs.

03:14 clipping adrenal vein.

03:37 division of adrenal vein.

04:02 Dissection of Superior Margins.

04:55 Division of Lateral Attachments.

05:33 Retrieval of specimen.
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