
[普外] 腹腔镜下睾丸切除术 - 隐睾,1岁婴儿

发表于 2016-5-30 15:00:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-30 15:00:34 | 显示全部楼层
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro - August 2015
Brazilian Navy
Hospital Naval Marcílio Dias

Surgical Crew: Igor T Ferreira + Adriana Cruxen + Leonardo Valadão
Anesthesiologist: Carlos Drumond
Scrub Nurse: Michele Costa + Ana Flávia

Video shows a laparoscopic orchiectomy on a 1 year old baby (16kg!).

The baby was clinicaly diagnosed cryptorchidism of the left testicle, right testicle normal on the scrotum. Previous ultrasound didn't find testicle intra abdominal or on the inguinal region. Laparoscopy indicated.

Description of the procedure:
Trocars: 10mm on umbilical scar, 3mm on each flanck
During the surgery, vas deferens and testicular vessels were identified and in right position. Dissection of the inguinal cord showed a testicle around the internal inguinal ring that was reduced to the cavity. Inguinotomy was performed and the testicle "fished" out the abdominal cavity. It was diagnosed atrhopy testicle and orchiectomy was performed. The internal ring was sutured with vicryl zero. Back to the laparoscopic, the peritoneum was sutured with vicryl 4.0.
Baby was released to home the same day, 3 hours after the surgery, no complications observed.

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