(Laguage: englich & french). Left revision operation for otosclerotic stapes ankylosis following previous failed operation (other surgeon). During the previous operation a dehiscent VIIth nerve was identified and surgery aborted. The revision operation is carried out under facial nerve monitoring. Middle ear exploration revealed a dehiscent facial nerve and a really narrow oval window due to a really thick promontory. The stapes superstructure is drilled out and removed and an obliterative otosclerosis was identified. The video shows the technique of drilling out of the promontory to expose safely the footplate and the specific drilling out procedure used in case of obliterative otosclerosis to drill out a safe stapedotomy. Ossiculoplasty is made with a Bucket Robinson-type 0.4mm diameter Teflon prosthesis as the dehiscent facial nerve does not allow the use of regular Causse Teflon piston. Dr Robert Vincent, Causse Ear Clinic, Colombiers (Béziers), France