
[泌尿] 肾盂成形术

发表于 2016-3-21 14:00:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-21 14:00:16 | 显示全部楼层
Anderson Hynes Pyeloplasty


Dr. Anup Gulati
MS, DNB, (Urology)
Senior Consultant Urology
Metro Hospital, Faridabad

00:01 Laparoscopic Anderson Hyne's Pyeloplasty. (anderson hynes).

00:05 CT scan showing Right PUJ Obstruction.

00:17 Retrograde Pyelography and DJ stenting.

00:22 Dissection of Extra Renal Pelvis.

01:07 Dissection of Ureter.

01:29 Crossing vessels at PUJ.

01:46 Opening the pelvis.

02:04 Developing the anterior lip of pelvis.

02:20 Opening the ureter laterally.

02:31 Disconnection of ureter.

02:40 Developing the posterior lip of pelvis.

02:48 Showing Redundant pelvis.

02:53 Suturing the angle slightly eccentrically.

02:58 PUJ brought anterior to crossing vessels.

03:22 In to in suturing of posterior layer.

03:22 Completion of posterior layer of funnel.

04:01 Out to out suturing the anterior layer of PUJ.

04:33 Completion of PUJ Funnel.

04:38 Showing Marked Funnel.

04:41 Dismembering the Redundant Pelvis.

05:01 Closure of Remaining renal pelvis.

06:04 Using the extra pelvis as stay.

06:43 Closure of remaining renal pelvis.

07:22 Dependent funnel shaped PUJ with Re-tailored pelvis.

07:28 Showing Tension free anastomosis.

07:43 comparison of Before and After pictures.

07:48 Thank You

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