
[普外] 单侧男性乳房发育症手术

发表于 2016-3-4 14:00:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-4 14:00:03 | 显示全部楼层
This unilateral gynecomastia (liposuction and glandular excision) video is by Dr. Jonathan Lebowitz in Huntington, Long Island NY. Gynecomastia is the development of breast tissue on adolescents and males which can be small or large and can appear on only the left or right side breast. Dr. Jonathan Lebowitz has over 25 years of experience specializing in gynecomastia and other cosmetic surgeries.

This particular case involves a unilateral, left sided male breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery. This patient had gynecomastia on one side, which is not uncommon. Many of Dr. Lebowitz’s male patients have had gynecomastia on the right side, left side or both sides (most common). To take care of the fat, Dr .Lebowitz uses Laser Smart Liposuction with 3 wavelengths. The first wavelength melts the fat, the second liquefies the fat (makes it easier to liposuction out) and the third heats up the surface under the skin to “shrink wrap” and tighten the skin to produce fantastic results.

The gland must be removed to complete the surgery since the gland itself is what causes the “enlarged” breast-like appearance. The gland is then removed through a 3-to-9 o’clock incision. Dr. Lebowitz gently removes the gynecomastia and just enough excess tissue during the glandular excision so that the patient does NOT have a “caved in”, “dented”, or uneven finished appearance. After removal of the gland, he avoids the use of drains by reducing dead space; which is where fluid would normally collect.

The entire gynecomastia procedure, Laser Smart Liposuction and the glandular excision, was performed under local anesthesia, within his private, clean and comfortable operating room in Huntington, Long Island NY. You can see that the patient is awake during the entire procedure, fully relaxed with no pain. The entire surgery can take 1-3 hours to perform, depending if the patient requires just an excision, Laser Smart Liposuction or a combination of both procedures, and if the patient has gynecomastia on one side vs. both sides.

At Lebowitz Plastic Surgery in Huntington, Long Island New York, your male breast reduction surgery (Gynecomastia) will be customized to meet your individual needs. Following a thorough examination, while listening to your specific preferences and concerns, Dr. Lebowitz will discuss the best course of treatment to reach your goals. He also uses local anesthesia to save his patients thousands of dollars in operating room and anesthesia fees.

The staff at Lebowitz Plastic Surgery provide the latest, state of the art cosmetic plastic surgery in a private, professional and safe environment. Dr. Jonathan Lebowitz personally communicates with each patient and gives complete instructions to help speed their recovery. All his gynecomastia patients are able to get lunch and go home the same day!

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