
[普外] 斯塔尔手术治疗慢性便秘的临床治疗

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-30 20:00:27 | 显示全部楼层
Watch the case study video on Chronic Constipation treatment using STARR Surgery done at Healing Hands Clinic,pune


About Case Study
Patient Age: 47 years
Sex : Female
Patient suffering from chronic constipation for 9-10 years.She was on laxatives on and off but with hardly any relief.

Dr. Ashwin Porwal suggest for STARR Surgery under GA.
Discharge after :24 Hours

Healing Hands Clinic is a unique and speciality clinic for constipation, piles, hernia & prevention of Lifetstyle diseases. Its heart of the city location, expert consultation, state of the art technology and well qualified staff are few of its assets.
Healing hands clinic operates in pune and is a highly specialized clinic.

Dr. Porwal graduated from B.J. Medical College, Pune and completed DNB in General Surgery from Poona Hospital and Research Center. He has undergone a certified training in Advance Laparoscopy, Bariatric Surgery from Genoa Medical school, Italy, and Wound Management from Madeleine Flangan University of Hertfordshire, U.K. Dr. Porwal also holds a Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery from EITS-IRCAD, Strasbourg University, France. He has the privilege of having obtained training in Proctology (especially in Constipation & Piles surgery) from the world renowned Colo-Procto Surgeon Dr.Antonio Longo at St.Elizabeth Hospital, Austria.

Constipation is one of those topics few people like to discuss. But if you suffer from constipation you know it can be painful and frustrating and interferes greatly with your daily life. Almost everyone suffers from constipation at some time. Studies show that up to 16 percent of women in the India meet symptom criteria for chronic constipation. Moreover, people tend to suffer with the condition for a long time. Research shows up to 45 percent of individuals with constipation report having the condition for five years or more. Now there is a good reason to talk about chronic constipation

How do you know if you suffer from Chronic Constipation

Often people don’t realize they are constipated. In one study, 37 percent of women who met symptom criteria for constipation did not regard themselves as constipated. The following self-assessment can help you determine whether or not you may suffer from chronic constipation.
1. Fewer than three bowel movements this week
2. The need to strain at least 25 percent of the time during bowel movements.
3. A feeling of not being able to complete your bowel movement at least 25 percent of the time.
4. Hard or lumpy stools at least 25 percent of the time.


Defecography (Scanning of evacuation) is a MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) study of defecation, a diagnostic test that shows the rectal & anal canal as they change during defecation (having a bowel movement). This test is used to evaluate disorders of the lower bowel that are not evident by tests such as colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy.

1. Chronic constipation.
2. Incomplete evacuation.
3. Obstruction & straining during defecation.
4. Fingering during defecation
5. Patient goes number of times for defecation but does not feel complete satisfaction of evacuation.
6. Daily or alternate day hard stools.
7. Patient has only 2 to 3 evacuations in a week and defecation is a long and time consuming process.
8. Rectal Prolapse (something coming out from anus)
9. Pelvic Prolapse (Bladder & Vagina)


STARR Surgery – An Achievement of Dr Ashwin Porwal

STARR is a surgical procedure that is performed through the anus, requires no external incisions and leaves no visible scars. Using a surgical stapler, the procedure removes excess tissue in the rectum and reduces the deformities that can cause ODS. Patients undergoing STARR are typically hospitalized for one to three days and have minimal recovery time after leaving the hospital.

Is STARR Effective?
Yes. In a recent clinical study, chronic constipation symptoms significantly improved in most patients undergoing the STARR procedure. Overall patient satisfaction with the STARR procedure was high, with 90 percent of patients rating the results as either good or excellent.

So visit us to avail cutting-edge diagnostic and surgical solutions for painless treatment for constipation, piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir) ,hernia, fistula, and fissure. Experience one stop medical care for you, your friends and your entire family.
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