
[泌尿] 阴茎增粗手术PMMA非增厚11MB

发表于 2015-7-2 08:01:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Penile Girth Enhancement - Non-Surgical PMMA Thickening

In this video, Phallocare Male Enhancement Clinic performs a penile girth enhancement using PMMA. This procedure permanently increases the girth (circumference) of the penis in both the flaccid and erect state. Join Dan Salas, President of Phallocare Male Enhancement, take you inside our operating room to see a real, live result.

PMMA is a permanent filler material consisting of tiny microspheres of Polymethylmethacrylate, each surrounded by a collagen gel solution. Once the gel is placed inside of the penis or other parts of the body, the healing process will begin as the body will form its own new collagen tissue around each microsphere of PMMA as the synthetic collagen gel reabsorbs. The end result is a penis comprised of your body’s own natural tissue and it will look, feel, and function just as before the procedure, the only difference being the notable increase in the size.

PMMA penile girth enhancement is a simple, non-surgical outpatient procedure with fast healing time, allowing the patient to resume normal sexual activity in 1 week. Patients can return home the day following the procedure. Precise size gains cannot be predicted prior to the procedure, but the average patient gains approximately .5-.75 inches girth in both the flaccid and erect state. Patients desiring further increases in size can return to our clinic for subsequent PMMA penis thickening procedures.

Non-surgical PMMA penile girth enhancement represents a significant advancement over prior penis enlargement surgery procedures to increase the thickness of the penis. Because the procedure is non-surgical and does not require an incision, it is much safer than previous surgical options for penile thickening as there is a greatly reduced risk of injection. Also, because the procedure is done under local anesthesia, it is far more affordable.

The Phallocare Male Enhancement Clinic is the only clinic in the world performing PMMA girth enhancement under a medically induced erection. Prior to the actual PMMA injection, the penis is injected with Caverject. This product will induce an erection within a matter of minutes and this allows our doctor to target the entire length of the penis and evenly place the PMMA material behind the head of the penis, down to the midshaft, and even in the extreme base. Without an erection, several inches at the base of the penis are typically retracted inside of the body, behind the pubic bone.

At Phallocare Male Enhancement, we have specialized in penis enlargement surgery, as well as non-surgical penile lengthening and thickening products and procedures for almost 20 years. We have helped 1,000s of men achieve their penis size goals and we can help you too. We offer a free, no pressure, confidential consultation via e-mail or telephone to anyone who is interested in learning more about their options for penis enlargement and want to discuss our products and procedures in more detail. To learn more about our PMMA penile girth enhancement procedure, or any of our penis enlargement surgery procedures and non-surgical options, please contact us today!


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售价: 99 香叶  [记录]

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