
[解剖] Aclands DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy 2.25GB mkv

发表于 2015-2-7 18:54:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is a series of anatomy lessons on video presented by Robert Acland. Dr.Acland is a professor of surgery in the division of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. The series was recently re-released on DVD as Acland's DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy
The six DVDs in this remarkable and beautifully produced DVD anatomy atlas explore the fundamental structures of the Musculoskeletal System, the Head and Neck, and the Internal Organs.

Volume 1 - The Upper Extremity
Volume 2 - The Lower Extremity
Volume 3 - The Trunk (Musculoskeletal System)
Volume 4 - The Head and Neck: Part 1
Volume 5 - The Head and Neck: Part 2
Volume 6 - The Internal Organs and Reproductive System

These DVDs show you true images of real, exquisitely dissected human anatomical specimens, in three dimensions. As the camera moves from one viewpoint to another, the specimen appears to rotate in space, letting the viewer experience it as a three-dimensional object. Acland's DVD Atlas uses fresh, un-embalmed specimens that retain the color, texture, mobility—and beauty—of the living human body.

A concise synchronized narration runs throughout the program. As each new structure is shown, its name appears on the screen. There is a self-testing feature at the end of each section. Specific content can be accessed through detailed searches of the index and table of contents.

For students, Acland's DVD Atlas is a time-saving aid to first-time learning, an effective way to relearn anatomy for clinical rotations, and a time-efficient tool for review. For clinicians in training and in practice, it assures a swift renewal of anatomic knowledge. For teachers, Acland's DVD Atlas shortens the time needed to provide immediate, satisfying explanations of three-dimensional structure.

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I put Tapescript for All volumes and then begin to creat english subtitles using tapescript but my holiday is end..If someone could creat it please be kind enough to send me too

**** This Acland 6 dvds set is complete and No missing parts...no jaming...Full screen 16:9....No black margins...size is small but Quality and resolution increased

source - original Acland 6 dvds pack

Format : Matroska (mkv)
File sizes- between 350mb -450mb

Codec ID :H.264 (x264)
Width : 720
Height : 404
Display aspect ratio : 16:9 Full screen
Frame rate : source fps


Codec ID : AAC
Bit rate : 128 Kbps
channels : 2 channels

***** Note that this is not that incomplete skiping missing part collection in every where

Aclands DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy 2.25GB mkv.torrent

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售价: 99 香叶  [记录]  [购买]

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