
[ebook] Chest Surgery (Springer) [PDF]

发表于 2015-2-2 20:01:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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TITLE/EDITION Chest Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series)
Author: Hendrik C. Dienemann (Editor), Hans Hoffmann (Editor), Frank C. Detterbeck (Editor)
Series: Springer Surgery Atlas Series
Hardcover: 544 pages
Publisher: Springer; 2015 edition (October 12, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3642120431
ISBN-13: 978-3642120435
Format: Retail PDF
NOTE: this is the standalone ebook and may not include access codes that come packaged with the bound book


Chest Surgery provides readers with a comprehensive and authoritative text that explains and illustrates all thoracic surgery procedures, with the exception of those on the heart and esophagus. The easy-to-read text is supported by clear, instructive line drawings and intraoperative photographs. The result is a well-illustrated practical guide for the seasoned and novice practitioner alike. The contributors, who are all acknowledged experts, demonstrate simple and safe forms of operation by distilling their experience into the most efficient methods for both standard and less common procedures. For ease in following a surgical procedure, the text description of each step is coupled with an appropriate drawing. There are often numerous ways of performing an operation, and this book takes care to impart the basic principles underlying surgery. It will be the "must-have" guide for all thoracic surgery residents who wish to acquaint themselves with the latest developments in this constantly expanding field

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