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  1. http://thyroid.about.com/od/Basics/fl/Traveling-Tips-for-Thyroid-Patients.htm

Traveling Tips for Thyroid Patients

Whether you're going by car, plane, bus,train or ship, millions of us regularly travel for holidays, vacations, and business trips.
Thyroidpatients may not realize, but there are some things to plan ahead forwhen traveling. Here are some pointers to help make your trip safe and healthy.

1.Bring EnoughMedication

Make sure that you are traveling with enough medication --and that means more than just one pill for each day you plan to be gone. Add inenough extras to cover you in case you get delayed, or stuck somewhere due toweather, strikes, breakdowns, changed plans, or experience other travel snafus-- or, in case you drop or lose pills accidentally.

2.Bring a Copy of Your Prescriptionand Pharmacy Label Information

It's always a goodidea to have a copy of your prescription and - if you aren't bring the actualbottles themselves -- the information from the pill bottle (prescriptionnumber, brand name, generic name, pharmacy phone number, etc.) with you.
You can also take a photo of these, and save them inyour smartphone, and/or email PDFs or photos of them to yourself, so you canaccess them anywhere if needed. This can be a help in case your medication islost, stolen, or becomes unusable for some reason while you are traveling.

3.Do Not CheckMedications on Airlines

When flying, youshould place all your medications and any medical supplies in your carryonluggage -- never in your checked baggage. This protects them from being lost,and also from extremes oftemperature and moisture in the cargo area, or on the tarmac.
Also, be careful when you are asked to "gate check"a carryon bag -- which can happen right before boarding, even with smallercarry-ons, if you are flying a smaller jet or commuter airline with restrictedoverhead space. Make sure that you take your medications out of the bag that'sbeing gate-checked, and carry them with you on the plane.

4.Figure Out AMedication Schedule

If you are traveling across multiple time zones or abroad,talk to your doctor in advance about the best way to stay on schedule with yourmedications. Ideally, you will want to try to get on a schedule as close toyour usual home schedule, as soon as possible.

5.Avoid Dryness When Flying

Aircraftcabins are very dry, and can aggravate dry eyes. If you wear contacts, or havedry eyes, think about wearing your glasses in flight, or bring alonglubricating eye drops.
The cabin dryness can also aggravate dry skin. Be sure to bringalong some moisturizing lotion (in a small, security-friendly travel size).
The lowhumidity and dryness can also be a cause of dehydration, so make sure you drinkplenty of water or fluids while flying. (Ideally, once inside the secure area,you should get a big bottle of water to take with you on the plane.)

6.Protect Your Immune System

Do not drink water on planes (including airline-providedcoffee and tea), unless it's made with bottled water. The tanks that store thedrinkable water on planes are cleaned infrequently, and immune-challengingbacteria have regularly been found in these tanks by the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency.
Do not use airline-providedblankets or pillows. Even if sealed, they are rarely cleaned, and may begerm-laden from previous passengers.
Bring along disinfectant wipesfor your armrests and tray tables -- tray tables in particular have been shownto be a prime source of bacteria on airplanes.

7.Avoid Seasicknessand Motion Sickness

If you're going on a cruise ship or boat, you maywant to talk to your doctor about having prescription scopolamine patches onhand, for seasickness. Dramamine, Seaband wrist bands, and natural supplementswith ginger may also be helpful for seasickness or motion sickness.

8.Other Tips

If you have a tendency towards swelling, avoid wearing tightshoes, as feet may swell during the flight. Consider sandals, or shoes you caneasily slip on and off during flight.
Sometimes, planes, buses and trainscan be unusually chilly. Bring a sweater, coat, shawl, or your own travelblanket to cover up.
Whatever way you'retraveling, take frequent breaks to stretch, stand up, and walk around. This can help prevent the risk of developing dangerous blood clots that can form in the legs during long periods of sitting while traveling.
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