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本帖最后由 小针刀 于 2014-6-6 09:21 编辑

       二甲双胍属于双胍类药物。针对2型糖尿病患者,它可以通过降低人体对食物中葡萄糖的摄取并抑制肝脏合成葡萄糖,从而控制血糖水平。它也可以提高机体对胰岛素的自然响应。但研究表明,二甲双胍对健康的益处可能不仅体现在2型糖尿病的治疗上。2010年,Medical News Today报道了2项显示二甲双胍可能保护吸烟者免于罹患肺癌的研究。一项2012年的研究也发现该药或许对于治疗胰腺癌患者值得期待。
       现在,一个由比利时荷语鲁汶天主教大学Wouter De Haes领导的研究团队发现,二甲双胍可能会阻止衰老进程。
       在蛔虫模型C. elegans上的二甲双胍检测使研究人员发现,这种蛔虫未见皱缩、衰老减缓、保持较健康状态的时间更久。图源:Wouter De Haes“在它们衰老的进程中,这种蛔虫会变小、起皱且活动度下降。然而,经二甲双胍处理后的该种蛔虫表现出极有限的尺寸减少且未起皱。它们不仅衰老的更慢,而且更持久的保持了更加健康的水平。”Haes说到。

       这项研究不是标示二甲双胍具有抗衰老潜力的惟一研究成果。去年,Medical News Today报道了一项来自美国国立衰老研究所(NIA)的研究人员的相关研究,他们发现二甲双胍处理组的小鼠相比对照组有5.83%的生命期延长。
       针对去年的那项发现,NIA领导Richard Hodes谈到:
  1. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/277679.php

Diabetic drug 'slows aging process and increases lifespan,' study suggests

Metformin is a drug commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes. But new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) finds the medication may also slow the aging process and increase lifespan.
Metformin belongs to a class of drugs known as biguanides. For patients with type 2 diabetes, it helps control blood sugar by reducing the amount of glucose absorbed from food and the levels of glucose produced by the liver. It also increases the body's natural response to insulin.
But studies have suggested that the health benefits of metformin may reach further than type 2 diabetes. In 2010,Medical News Today reported on two studies that suggested metformin may protect against lung cancer in smokers. A 2012 study also found that the drug may show promise intreating patients with pancreatic cancer.
Now, a research team led by Wouter De Haes of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium finds that metformin may be useful for halting the aging process.

Testing metformin in roundworms

To reach their findings, the team conducted a series of experiments in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans- a model they say is ideal for studying the aging process as it only has a 3-week lifespan.
The team found that metformin increased the number of toxic molecules released in the worms' cells, which they were surprised to find boosted their long-term strength and longevity.

On testing metformin in the roundworm C. elegans, the researchers found the worms showed no wrinkling, aged slower and stayed healthier for longer.
Image credit: Wouter De Haes
"As they age, the worms get smaller, wrinkle up and become less mobile. But worms treated with metformin show very limited size loss and no wrinkling. They not only age slower, but they also stay healthier longer," says Haes.
But how does metformin work? The team explains that our body's cells get their energy from mitochondria - the "powerhouses" in each cell that trigger small electric currents. This process can generate highly reactive oxygen molecules.
These molecules can be harmful to the body. They can damage proteins and DNA and interfere with normal cell functioning. But the team says the molecules can also be beneficial in small amounts.
"As long as the amount of harmful oxygen molecules released in the cell remains small, it has a positive long-term effect on the cell. Cells use the reactive oxygen particles to their advantage before they can do any damage," explains Haes.
"Metformin causes a slight increase in the number of harmful oxygen molecules. We found that this makes cells stronger and extends their healthy lifespan."

Antioxidants 'may stop metformin from working'

The investigators say previous research has indicated that harmful reactive oxygen molecules are to blame for the aging process. Furthermore, it is believed that antioxidants may help prevent these molecules from causing damage.
However, the researchers note that antioxidants may counteract metformin's anti-aging effects, as they found that the harmful molecules need to be present in cells for the drug to work.
Although these findings in roundworms are promising as an effective anti-aging strategy, Haes notes that further research is needed:

"While we should be careful not to over-extrapolate our findings to humans, the study is promising as a foundation for future research."
This is not the only study to flag the anti-aging potential of metformin. Last year, Medical News Today reported on a study by researchers from the National Institutes of Aging (NIA), which found that mice who received metformin had a 5.83% increase in lifespan, compared with control mice.
Commenting on the findings of that study, Richard Hodes, director of the NIA, said:
"There is increasing interest in exploring how drugs for one use might be repurposed for another. It is exciting to discover that a drug already known to be safe and effective in humans might be further studied for a possible, alternate use for healthy aging."

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