
[妇产] Williams Obstetrics 2009 23th 威廉姆斯产科学(第23版) 英文版

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  • 出版社: McGraw-Hill Medical; 23rd Revised edition (2009年12月1日)
  • 丛书名: Williams Obstetrics
  • 精装: 1404页
  • 语种: 英语
  • ISBN: 0071497013
  • 条形码: 9780071497015
  • 商品尺寸: 6 x 22.8 x 28.4 cm
  • 商品重量: 4 Kg

商品描述作者简介F. Gary Cunningham, MD Beatrice & Miguel Elias Distinguished Chair in Obstetrics and Gynecology Chairman Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX Kenneth J. Leveno, MD Professor and Chief of Obstetrics University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX Steven L. Bloom, MD Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX John C. Hauth, MD Professor, Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Alabama at BirminghamBirmingham, AL Dwight Rouse, MD Director of Obstetrical Complications Clinics Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL Catherine Y. Spong, MD Bethesda, MD

目录Associate Editors Artists Preface Acknowledgments Section 1: Overview 1. Overview of Obstetrics Section 2: Maternal and Fetal Anatomy and Physiology 2. Maternal Anatomy 3. Implantation, Embryogenesis, and Placental Development 4. Fetal Growth and Development 5. Maternal Physiology 6. Parturition Section 3: Antepartum 7. Preconceptional Counseling 8. Prenatal Care 9. Abortion 10. Ectopic Pregnancy 11. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 12. Genetics 13. Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy 14. Teratology and Medications That Affect the Fetus 15. Antepartum Assessment 16. Fetal Imaging Section 4: Labor and Delivery 17. Normal Labor and Delivery 18. Intrapartum Assessment 19. Obstetrical Anesthesia 20. Abnormal Labor 21. Disorders of Amnionic Fluid Volume 22. Labor Induction 23. Forceps Delivery and Vacuum Extraction 24. Breech Presentation and Delivery 25. Cesarean Delivery and Peripartum Hysterectomy 26. Prior Cesarean Delivery 27. Abnormalities of the Placenta, Umbilical Cord, and Membranes Section 5: Fetus & Newborn 28. The Newborn Infant 29. Diseases and Injuries of the Fetus and Newborn Section 6: Puerperium 30. The Puerperium 31. Puerperal Infection 32. Contraception 33. Sterilization Section 7: Obstetrical Complications 34. Pregnancy Hypertension 35. Obstetrical Hemorrhage 36. Preterm Birth 37. Postterm Pregnancy 38. Fetal Growth Disorders 39. Multifetal Gestation 40. Reproductive Tract Abnormalities Section 7: Medical and Surgical Complications 41. General Considerations and Maternal Evaluation 42. Critical Care and Trauma 43. Obesity 44. Cardiovascular Disease 45. Chronic Hypertension 46. Pulmonary Disorders 47. Thromboembolic Disorders 48. Renal and Urinary Tract Disorders 49. Gastrointestinal Disorders 50. Hepatic, Biliary Tract, and Pancreatic Disorders 51. Hematological Disorders 52. Diabetes 53. Thyroid and Other Endocrine Disorders 54. Connective-Tissue Disorders 55. Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders 56. Dermatological Disorders 57. Neoplastic Diseases 58. Infectious Diseases 59. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Index



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