
[妇产] 子宫内膜异位症 192mb

发表于 2014-3-5 08:02:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Agony of managing a mismanaged patient with endometriosis, who pays the price

This 24 years old young virgin patient was referred because of recurrent endometriosis
Patient has long h/o sever debilitating pelvic pain pain since age 16 which was managed medically for 2 years with no response, she had 4 Laparoscopic surgery for treatment of left Endometrioma at university and private hospital setting with no relief of pain but recurrence of endometrioma, medical treatment between surgeries with Gn Rh agonists, Danazol, OCP, progestational agents for extended period of time was ineffective in elimination of pain
This case illustrate how, world wide, medical community in general and obstetrician Gynecologist in particular still are faced with lack of adequate knowledge in diagnosing and most importantly treating this illness, consequently patients continue to pay hefty price emotionally and economically even in 21 century.
It is immensely agonising to witness their failed treatment history, hopelessness and total lack of trust to to medical community and their gynecologist in particular
I hope politicians and governments eventually realize that in order to make a difference in shattered lives of these patient there has to be a centralized treatment and research center staffed by experienced surgeons and adequate ancillary services
After laparoscopic surgery this patient had excellent pain relief and was placed to OCP postoperatively and was informed about her rectal involvement and possibility of need for future surgical treatment


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