
[普外] Laparoscopic Surgery with viewmax 1000 腹腔镜手术 85mb

发表于 2014-1-26 08:39:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Laparoscopy Surgery with viewmax 1000

Welcome to Viewmax1000 Mediview System. This ViewMax 1000 application lets you combine your personal Surgery, digital images, and audio into exciting, professional-quality Surgeries. Whether you are editing your first Surgery or looking for a program that will let you take your efficiency to the next level of records. Viewmax1000 Mediview System's straightforward drag-and-drop editing style combined with its comprehensive editing capabilities and capture still images accordingly and give reports which will meet your needs today and tomorrow.
With Viewmax1000 Mediview System, you can:
Viewmax1000 Mediview System lets you capture and combine a wide variety of Surgery, still images, and audio in a Entire Surgery. Viewmax1000 Mediview System supports the following: Record,Import Surgery,Give Presentations for Conferences of Surgery or combination of image & make Movie, audio files in a wide variety of popular formats including: HD,LED,PAL,PAL-B,NTSC,NTSC-B MPEG1, MPEG2, AVI, BMP, JPEG, MP3, and WAV.
• Use simple drag-and-drop operations to turn the clips into a compelling DVD.
• Enhance your Entire Surgery with professional-quality special effects.
• Perform DVD-authoring tasks.
• Save your finished Entire Surgery in a VCD, SVCD, DVD, or VR format.
Note: Not all listed features are available in select versions of Viewmax1000 Mediview System. Some applications such as Media Player can play VCD or SVCD.


1.49 KB, 下载次数: 3, 下载积分: 香叶 -1

售价: 99 香叶  [记录]

发表于 2016-5-29 12:35:25 | 显示全部楼层
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