
[普外] 乳腺整形外科(2013高清英文版)Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery

发表于 2013-11-8 10:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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乳腺整形外科(2013高清英文版)Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery

名称Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery
编者Cicero Urban, Mario Rietjens
出版商Springer, 2013
ISBN8847026520, 9788847026520
页数481 页

Oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery combines the most up-to-date techniques in plastic surgery with surgery for breast cancer, providing optimal oncologic and aesthetic results by means of a single procedure. This book demonstrates why oncoplastic surgery represents such an exciting tool for surgeons who undertake breast surgery. Fundamental principles and basic concepts are clearly outlined, and diverse techniques are presented by acknowledged experts from across the world. The emphasis is very much on a "how to do" approach, with detailed guidance and advice on the various techniques. The informative text is supported by a wealth of color illustrations, and accompanying videos of procedures are available via the publisher's website. Reconstructive Breast Cancer Surgery will serve as an ideal reference work that will help surgical fellows and specialists to learn about indications and selection of patients, to master technical skills, and to manage complications effectively.


SECTION 1: Basic Principles for Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery.- 1. Oncoplastic Surgery: Blending Science and Art.- 2. Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Anatomy of the Breast.- 3. Breast Imaging.- 4. Breast Cancer Pathology.- 5. Molecular Classification and Prognostic Signatures of Breast Cancer.- 6. Breast Cancer Patient and Reconstructive Consultation.- 7. Principles for Breast Reconstruction: indications and limits.- 8. Aesthetic Principles for Breast Reconstruction: Breast Aesthetic Units and Evaluation of Late Aesthetic Results.- 9. Systemic Treatment of Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstruction.- 10. Radiotherapic Principles and Consequences for Breast Reconstruction.- SECTION 2: Partial Breast Reconstruction.- 11. Preoperative Planning for Oncoplastic Surgery.- 12. Central Quadrant Techniques.- 13. Periareolar Techniques.- 14. Superior Pedicle Techniques.- 15. Inferior Pedicle Techniques.- 16. Oncoplastic Reduction Mammoplasty - Incision Patterns, Safety Issues and Plasticity.- 17. Distant Volume Flaps for Conservative Surgery.- 18. Non-Conventional Techniques in Oncoplastic Surgery.- 19. Delayed Reconstruction after Breast Conserving Surgery.- SECTION 3: Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy.- 20. History and development of breast implants.- 21. Staged Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction.- 22. One-Stage Breast Reconstruction with Definitive Form-Stable Implants.- 23. The Use of Acellular Dermal Matrices in Implant Based Breast Reconstruction.- 24. Immediate Impant-Based Breast Reconstruction using Variable Lower Pole Support.- 25. Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy with Electron Intra-Operative Radiotherapy (ELIOT).- 26. Breast Reconstruction After Skin-Reducing Mastectomy.- 27. Autologous Latisimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction.- 28. Monopedicled TRAM flap.- 29. Bipedicled TRAM flap.- 30. Free flaps.- 31. Delayed Breast Reconstruction with Temporary Expanders and Definitive Implants.- SECTION 3: Management of Complications.- 32. Implant Exposition and Extrusion.- 33. Implant Rupture.- 34.- Inframammary Fold Reconstruction.- 35. Complications of Unipediculed TRAM: Treatment and Prevention.- SECTION 4: Refinements After Breast Reconstruction.- 36. Treatment and Care of the Scars in Breast Reconstruction.- 37. Fat Grafting in Breast Reconstruction.- 38. Nipple and Areola Complex Reconstruction.- SECTION 5: Breast Reconstruction in Special Populations.- 39. Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Pregnancy and Lactation.- 40. Breast Reconstruction in Elderly.- 41. Breast Reconstruction and Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy.- 42. Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Previously Irradiated Patients.- 43. Breast Reconstruction After Aesthetic Surgeries.- 44. Thoracic Wall Reconstruction in Local Recurrences and Advanced Cases.- SECTION 6: Other Special Considerations.- 45. Systemic Impact of Breast Reconstruction.- 46. Psychological aspects of Breast Reconstruction.- 47. Aesthetics and Quality of Life after Breast Reconstruction.- 48. Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Qualification, Limits, and Mentoring.- 49. Bioethics and Medico-Legal Aspects in Breast Cancer Reconstruction.                                                         
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