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ABC of Interventional Cardiology
Non-invasive investigations
An abnormal electrocardiogram increases the suspicion of
significant coronary disease, but a normal result does not
exclude it.
Chest x ray
Patients with angina and no prior history of cardiac disease
usually have a normal chest x ray film.
Exercise electrocardiography
This is the most widely used test in evaluating patients with
suspected angina. It is generally safe (risk ratio of major adverse
events 1 in 2500, and of mortality 1 in 10 000) and provides
diagnostic as well as prognostic information. The average
sensitivity and specificity is 75%. The test is interpreted in terms
of achieved workload, symptoms, and electrocardiographic
response. A 1 mm depression in the horizontal ST segment is
the usual cut-off point for significant ischaemia. Poor exercise
capacity, an abnormal blood pressure response, and profound
ischaemic electrocardiographic changes are associated with a