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[杂志期刊] 皮肤科ABC of Dermatology

发表于 2013-10-24 19:35:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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ABC of Dermatology

ABC of Dermatology CD Rom
ABC of Dermatology PDF eBook
● Bookmarked and hyperlinked for instant access to all headings and topics
● Fully indexed and searchable text—just click the “Search Text” button
Artwork slideshow
● Every diagram and photograph from the book, organised by chapter
● Hover over a image thumbnail and the caption will appear in a pop-up window
● Click on the image thumbnail to view at full-screen size, then use the left and right cursor keys to view the previous or next figure
PDA Edition sample chapter
● A chapter from ABC of Dermatology, adapted for use on handheld devices such as Palm and Pocket PC
● Click on the underlined text to view an image (or images) relevant to the text concerned
● Uses Mobipocket Reader technology, compatible with all PDA devices and also available for Windows
● Follow the on-screen instructions on the relevant part of the CD Rom to install Mobipocket for your device
● Full title available in this format for purchase as a download from
BMJ Books catalogue
● Instant access to BMJ Books full catalogue, including an order form
Instructions for use
The CD Rom should start automatically upon insertion, on all Windows systems. The menu screen will appear and you can then
navigate by clicking on the headings. If the CD Rom does not start automatically upon insertion, please browse using “Windows
Explorer” and double-click the file “BMJ_Books.exe”.
To minimise the bookmarks pane so that you can zoom the page to full screen width, simply click on the “Bookmarks” tab on the
left of your screen. The bookmarks can be accessed again at any time by simply clicking this tab again.
To search the text simply click on “Search Text”, then type into the window provided. You can stop the search at any time by
clicking “Stop Search”, and can then navigate directly to a search result by double-clicking on the specific result in the Search pane.
By clicking your left mouse button once on a page in the PDF ebook window, you “activate” the window. You can now scroll
through pages uses the scroll-wheel on your mouse, or by using the cursor keys on your keyboard.
Note: the ABC of Dermatology PDF eBook is for search and reference only and cannot be printed. A printable PDF version as well
as the full PDA edition can be purchased from
If any problems are experienced with use of the CD Rom, we can give you access to all content* via the internet. Please send your
CD Rom with proof of purchase to the following address, with a letter advising your email address and the problem you have
ABC of Dermatology eBook access
BMJ Bookshop
BMA House
Tavistock Square
*Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, this offer currently excludes the artwork slideshow
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