
[杂志期刊] Regenerative Medicine- From Protocol to Patient

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Regenerative Medicine- From Protocol to Patient

Regenerative Medicine: From Protocol to Patient
Second edition
Regenerative Medicine is a fast emerging interdisciplinary fi eld of research and
clinical therapies on the repair, replacement or regeneration of cells, tissues or
organs in congenital or acquired disease. This new fi eld of research and clinical
development focussing on stem cell science and regenerative biology is just starting
to be the most fascinating and controversial medical development at the dawn of the
twenty- fi rst century. It can be envisaged that this development will establish completely
new molecular and cellular techniques for medical therapy. An early rush of
scienti fi c development was set up more than 100 years ago by the physiology of
blood regeneration (Hall and Eubanks 1896) and successful vascular surgical techniques
for organ transplantation (Carrel and Guthrie 1905). However, the clinical
realization of allogenic blood transfusion lasted until the discovery of the blood
group antigens (Landsteiner and Levine 1928) and successful routine allogenic
organ and bone marrow transplantation even until the end of the last century.
Similar to the fi eld of allogenic cell and organ transplantation, it seems that
Regenerative Medicine again condenses mankind’s visions, hopes, and fears regarding
medicine: Hopes of eternal life and effective treatment of uncurable disease as
well as fears of misuse of technology and uncontrolled modi fi cations of life are
polarizing the scienti fi c fi eld. The development and public acceptance of new ethical
and regulatory guidelines is a necessary process to support the further clinical
development. Nevertheless, the vision of a new medicine using the regenerative
power of biology to treat disease and restructure the organism is setting the aim for
scienti fi c, technological and medical development. Viewing the great expectations
to restructure and regenerate tissue, organs or organisms the current attempts of
scientist and physicians are still in an early phase of development.
The fi eld of Regenerative Medicine has developed rapidly over the last 20 years
with the advent of molecular and cellular techniques. This textbook on “Regenerative
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