
[杂志期刊] Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Dermatolo鉴别诊断小儿皮肤科

发表于 2013-10-22 09:02:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Dermatolo

Pediatric dermatology is the branch of dermatology that has acquired its own
autonomous standing within the field of dermatology for many reasons. First,
it is because of specific childhood diseases, such as neonatal dermatoses and
Gianotti–Crosti and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. Then, there are
those diseases that are typical, if not exclusive, of this age (atopic dermatitis,
impetigo), those diseases that manifest themselves with different characteristics
in the adult and child (dermatomyositis, psoriasis), and finally, those diseases
that start in childhood but continue into adulthood (genodermatoses).
Therefore, the approach to this fascinating but difficult discipline requires
sound dermatological knowledge combined with pediatric sensitivity. For all
these reasons, and for the frequency with which physicians encounter skin disorders
in their daily clinical practice, more and more pediatricians are turning
to it. This book is meant for them and for many dermatologists for whom pediatric
dermatology has not been the main interest. The author is well known:
Ernesto Bonifazi has long been a leading light and teacher of pediatric dermatology
both in Italy and internationally. Readers of the European Journal of Pediatric
Dermatology, the official journal of the European Society for Pediatric
Dermatology, of which Ernesto was the second President, already know and
value his column on differential diagnosis published in the journal. Such
work reveals two main talents: his passion for teaching, which he has long exercised
as Professor at the University of Bari and which manifests itself as a
natural, clear, and concise exposition, and his experience, which is the result
of many years of penetrating and precise clinical observations. The differential
diagnoses are presented in pairs, concisely, and are accompanied by illustrative
and coherent images. The book is an essential tool, a true distillation of
practical dermatological knowledge. Consider this book as a good but discreet
friend, though as valuable as only true friends can be.
Mauro Paradisi
Past President of the Italian Society
of Pediatric Dermatology
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