
[五官口腔] 眼和LASIK FLADEN中心假性和小瞳孔白内障 91.1mb

发表于 2013-12-23 08:30:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The Fladen Eye and Lasik Center Cataract, Pseudoexfoliation and Small Pupil

Dr. Todd Fladen performs complex phacoemulsification in a patient with pseudoexfoliation syndrome and a small pupil. Multiple spincterotomies are performed. The anterior capsulorexis is faciliatated by using Vision Blue (DORC) to enhance visualization of the
anterior capsule. An Alcon SN60WF Acrysof intraocular lens in inserted into the posterior capsular bag at the end of the procedure.

The Fladen Eye and Lasik Center is Stark County Premier Comprehensive Eye Care Center specializing in all forms of Refractive Surgery including Customized Wavefront Lasik or laser Surface Ablation, ICL (intraocular contact lens) and Cataract Surgery with in the intraocular insertion of Multifocal AMO ReZoom and Alcon ReSTOR lens implants to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses for distance, intermediate (newspaper, playing cards) and near vision (reading, sewing).

Dr. Todd Fladen and The Fladen Eye and Lasik Center also specializes in the correction of nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism.

To determine if you would be an excellent candidate for the Staar Intraocular Contact Lens (ICL) or laser vision correction on our VISX Star4 Excimer Laser, visit us on line at

For your Free VIP consultation with Dr. Todd Fladen, Call Today....See Tomorrow.

The Fladen Eye and Lasik Center services Akron, Canton, and Cleveland, Ohio.

The Fladen Eye and Lasik Center...The Clear Choice
"Bringing Your World into Focus"

The Fladen Eye and Lasik Center
Medical Director: Todd D. Fladen, M.D.


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售价: 99 香叶  [记录]  [购买]

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