
[杂志期刊] Effect of mesh and its localisation on testicular flow and spermatogenesis in...

发表于 2013-10-17 17:36:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Effect of mesh and its localisation on testicular flow and spermatogenesis in patients with groin hernia.

Aydede H, Erhan Y, Sakarya A, Kara E, Ilkgül O, Can M.


Celal Bayar University Medical Faculty, Department of Surgery, Manisa, Turkey.


In this study, the long-term effects of mesh and its localisation (i.e. anterior or posterior) on testicular perfusion and testicular function were evaluated in groin hernia patients. Testicular function has been evaluated with spermiogram and testicular perfusion with colour Doppler ultrasonography. Group I: consisted of 30 posterior preperitoneal mesh repair patients Group II: consisted of 30 anterior tension-free repair patients. The operation types were randomised with a systematic sampling method. There was no statistically significant difference between pre-operative and postoperative spermiogram results for both groups. No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of Doppler flow parameters (PSV, EDV, RI and PI) for pre-operative, early and late postoperative periods. When Doppler flow parameters were compared for group I, statistically significant differences were found between pre-operative and early postoperative values. No statistically significant difference was found between pre-operative and late postoperative values. This is also true for early postoperative values versus late postoperative values. When Doppler flow parameters were compared for group II, statistically significant differences were found between pre-operative and early postoperative values. No statistically difference was found between pre-operative and late postoperative values. This is also true for early postoperative values versus late postoperative values. These results support the idea that inguinal mesh application is still a safe procedure in patients with no children or who are undergoing infertility treatment, where testicular function is important.

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