
[资源] 肝移植术后血管并发症,动脉并发症:第二部分(图文演示)

发表于 2016-7-21 09:26:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Vascular complications after liver transplantation, arterial complications: part ii


JP Lerut, MD, PhD , Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-24 13:07:02 | 显示全部楼层
1. Partial de-arterialization of the liver allograft


The high incidence of arterial anomalies of the liver found in autopsy and extensive procurement studies may account for the occurrence of partial de-arterialization in LT. Indeed, when harvesting a liver without prior arterial mapping, it can sometimes be impossible to determine if the aberrant hepatic artery is a replacing or an accessory one. This differentiation is important in order to preserve as much of the hepatic arterial supply as possible. The problem of the partially de-arterialized liver graft has only been addressed in the Pittsburgh series. Thrombosis or ligation of smaller hepatic arterial aberrant branches may lead to similar, but localized, complications as those seen in complete hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT). These findings underline the importance of a correct liver graft procurement as a baseline of successful liver transplantation.

Right sectorial hepatic artery occlusion


Right sectorial hepatic artery occlusion responsible for localized liver necrosis on CT scan


Liver necrosis secondary to right sectorial hepatic artery occlusion

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-24 13:07:20 | 显示全部楼层
2. Hepatic artery stenosis



Hepatic artery stenosis (HAST)

Routine Doppler ultrasound (DUS) arterial survey has not only allowed to diagnose hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT) earlier and more precisely, but has also permitted to detect hepatic artery stenosis (HAST).
HAST is mostly a consequence of inadequate surgical technique such as anastomotic narrowing or kinking. The diagnosis can be made based on calculation of the resistive index (<0.5 or 0.8) and on systolic acceleration time (above 0.08/min).


DUS showing signs of hepatic artery stenosis; the resistive index is 0.37.

HAST has been systematically looked for in only a few series. Its incidence varies from 4.1 to 7.8%. HAST can be completely asymptomatic but can also lead to biliary tract complications related to a compromised biliary arterial flow, or to an insidious form of graft dysfunction. Liver biopsies in patient s with severe HAST may reveal ischemic changes such as ballooning of hepatocytes, focal cell loss and spotty necrosis.

HAST requiring revision is infrequent after LT. Similarly to the treatment of other visceral arterial stenoses, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty has been successfully applied to HAST.


Angiography showing HAST in living related right lobe liver transplant


HAST treated with percutaneous balloon angiography


HAST treated with percutaneous balloon angiography

Surgical revision or complete redo of the arterial anastomosis may sometimes be necessary.
Biliary tract complications occur commonly if HAST is severe and must be treated using interventional radiology or surgery. Liver re-LT may sometimes be necessary in the presence of extensive biliary tract damage.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-24 13:07:36 | 显示全部楼层
3. Hepatic arterial steal syndrome


Adequate arterial perfusion of the liver may be compromised by a steal phenomenon with blood shunting from the hepatic to the splenic artery or with blood shunting to an arterial-venous fistula.


Small arterial venous fistula (AVF)
due to percutaneous liver biopsy


Small arterial venous fistula (AVF) due to percutaneous liver biopsy

Reduced arterial perfusion of the allograft may lead to allograft dysfunction with rise of transaminases. Ligation or occlusion of the splenic artery by interventional radiological means may solve this problem.

Hepatic arterial inflow may also be compromised by a celiac compression syndrome. The clinical significance of this syndrome is however debated as it has only been reported extensively by the UCLA group. This group identified the celiac compression syndrome in 10% of transplants. Diagnosis was confirmed by intraoperative blood flow recording demonstrating a typical pattern of accentuated decrease in celiac blood flow during expiration. Surgical transection of the median arcuate ligament resulted in normalization of the hepatic artery blood flow.
The problem of hepatic arterial steal points to the importance of very well documented pre-transplant DUS examinations. In case of unclear or abnormal findings, celiomesenteric angiography should be performed for precise mapping of the splanchnic arterial circulation of the recipient.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-24 13:07:57 | 显示全部楼层
4. Hepatic artery pseudo-aneurysm


Pseudo-aneurysm of the hepatic artery is a very rare (0.2 – 0.4%), but very severe complication due to its propensity to rupture and cause fatal gastrointestinal or intraperitoneal bleeding.
The most common cause of aneurysm formation is mycotic infection. The arterial infection may originate from an intraperitoneal contamination when performing e.g. a bilio-enteric anastomosis. Intrahepatic pseudo-aneurysms have been reported after percutaneous maneuvers or liver biopsy.
Pseudo-aneurysms are usually asymptomatic and found only on DUS. Rupture of a pseudo-aneurysm may present as gastrointestinal bleeding, hemobilia due to direct rupture into the bile duct, extrahepatic biliary obstruction and intra-abdominal bleeding.


Hepatic arterial aneurysm (HAA) at anastomotic site between HA and bifurcation of the gastroduodenal and common hepatic arteries


CT scan and angiography showing HAA at anastomotic site between free iliac graft and infrarenal abdominal aorta


CT scan and angiography showing HAA at anastomotic site between free iliac graft and infrarenal abdominal aorta

Treatment of a pseudo-aneurysm is difficult as it many times necessitates interruption of hepatic arterial inflow, or vascular reconstruction in an infected site. In order to be successful, the diseased aneurismal artery should be widely excised and arterial inflow restored using uninfected donor and recipient arteries (iliac and renal arteries, infrarenal abdominal aorta). Intraoperative histological examination of the arterial wall, looking specifically for Candida, is very important before proceeding with arterial reconstruction.


Histological examination of anastomotic aneurismal zone showing presence of Candida at section margin

In some cases, simple ligation is the only solution; many of these grafts will be lost due to severe graft dysfunction or biliary tract lesions.
Intrahepatic pseudo-aneurysms caused by percutaneous maneuvers can be cured (easily) using selective angiography and embolization of the feeding artery with coils or detachable balloons. A direct transhepatic approach to the intrahepatic aneurysm may be a good alternative, especially when trans-arterial embolization is difficult or risky. This mode of treatment eliminates the risk of hepatic ischemia with secondary biliary stricture inherent to segmental or sectorial interruption of hepatic allograft arterialization.


Arteriography showing major iatrogenic AVF giving rise to formation of huge intrahepatic hematoma


CT scan showing major iatrogenic AVF giving rise to formation of huge intrahepatic hematoma


Arteriography showing major intrahepatic hematoma following liver biopsy


CT scan showing major intrahepatic hematoma following liver biopsy  

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-24 13:08:17 | 显示全部楼层
5. Splenic artery aneurysm


Up to 19% of patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension have a splenic artery aneurysm (SAA); autopsy series report an incidence as high as 50%.
SAA usually develop in the distal third of the main splenic artery close to the hilum of the spleen; they may also be multiple and intrasplenic. A major pathogenic factor of SAA in these patients is the high flow rate in the splenic artery finally leading to arterial elongation and tortuosity.
It has been reported that SAA does not shrink after successful portal hypertension surgery and that 3 to 10% of aneurysms greater than 2 cm will rupture.
Epigastric pain or pain in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen may be a sign of imminent or contained rupture. In such cases, treatment can be done by splenic artery embolization or by ligation of the splenic artery distal and proximal to the aneurysm.
In any case, every effort should be made to save the spleen to preserve postoperative immunity in the setting of possible post-transplant infectious disease.
Opting for prophylactic treatment of SAA seems to be contradicted by the extremely low reported incidence of rupture in the transplant literature.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-24 13:08:35 | 显示全部楼层
6. References


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