This surgical video describes surgery for high esophageal stricture. patient is a young woman, 39 years old, with complicated social anamnesis. In 1992 she accidentally swallowed a technical liquid and received the burn of the esophagus. The was treated with endoscopic bougienage in 1992-1995 with good clinical effect. In 2000 esophageal lumen began to decrease but she did not apply for re-bougienage at the appropriate time. She had critical weght loss (her weight was about 25 kg, height -160sm). In 2002 IV –grade dysphagia was diagnosed and gastrostomy was performed. After 2002 year , 13 yeas long she was feeding only with gastrostomy. All this time long she did not eat and drink water naturally.
We performed retrosternal esophagocoloplasty. She went home without complications. She fells herself very happy. |